You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Friday the 10th of April.
How was your day? or how is it going so far?
Let me tell you a simple, a shortfire way to make today your best day ever.
It’s get to one important thing done.
I’m sure for you it’ll be studying English with me.
Listen to posh accent and read out loud.

** mental 마음의;정신의;미친 insane;crazy
** 상황: 뭔가 믿기 힘든 이야기를 듣고 놀랐을 때
=> 미국식 That’s crazy; That’s insane.
=> 영국식 That’s mental. (미쳤어. 대박이야)
(친구끼리, informal)
A: 실수로 accidentally 전 여친에게 문자를 보냈어.
I texted my ex for mistake.
I accidentally texted my ex.
그녀가 안 읽고 있네.
And she has left it unread.
And she is not reading it.
B: 미쳤다. 미쳤다. 정말 대박이네
That’s mental.
That’s mental.
A: 그가 또 바람을 폈어 cheat on.
He found someone else again.
He cheated on me again.
B: 와~ 대박이야. 너의 감정을 참지마.
That’s mental. Don’t bottle up your feelings.
That’s mental. Don’t bottle up your feelings.
** bottle up 감정을 드러내지 않고 억누르다. keep one’s feelings inside, instead of expressing it.
20.06.04. 목 Don’t bottle up your feelings. 네 감정을 숨기지 마. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어.
Thanks for tuning in to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Thursday the fouth of June. I reckon you burnt the midnight oil. But it’s time to learn posh accent with me. Wake up! Listen c..
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
여권을 안 가져왔어.
I haven’t brought my passport.
I didn’t bring my passport.
대박 난감한 상황이야.
That’s a mental situation that I might miss the flight.
It’s a mental situation that we might miss our flight.
믿을 수가없네.
It’s unbelieveable.
I can’t belive.
아직도 옷 차려입었군.
You haven’t dressed up yet.
You are not dressed up yet.
믿을 수가 없네. 미쳤어.
That’s mental.
That’s mental.
** dress up 차려입다 put on formal clothes for a special occasion
그가 정정당당하게 선거에서 승리했어. 대박이야
He won the election in a fair way. That’s mental.
He won the election fair and square. That’s mental.
** fair and square 정정당당하게 in an honest way
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 친구에게 보낼 문자를 실수로 직장 상사에게 보냈어.
I accidentally texted my boss instead of a friend of mine.
I accidentally texted my boss instead of texting my friend.
B: 정말 대박입니다.
That’s really mental.
A: 그가 학생과 바람을 피웠어 have an affair.
He had an affair with his student.
B: 진짜 대박이야. 말이 안 나온다 speechless
That’s mental. I’m speechless.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 That's mental! 대박이다!
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