You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Friday the 5th of June.
I’ll give you some tips to make you most of your weekend.
Make plans.
Of course, ### some new time.
Try to set some time aside for yourself.
Listen to some music or study.
This means spend 10 minutes with me.
By the way, 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 monthly textbook is on the market.

** gut
(명사) 소화관; 동물의 내장; 용기; 직감;
(동사) 내장을 제거하다
** be gutted 내장을 제거당하다 => (속상해서) 매우 실망하다
(* 우리말의 “속이 뒤집어지다”와 비슷한 의미)
A: 일자리 구하는 거 job hunting 어떻게 되었어?
What’s going on your job seeking?
How did your job hunting go?
B: 정말 실망이야. 내가 원하는 그 일 얻지 못했어.
I’m gutted. I was not able to get the job I wanted.
I’m gutted. I didn’t get the job I wanted
A: 그녀가 떠났을 때, 난 굉장히 처참했었어.
I was extremely gutted when she left.
I’m gutted when she left.
B: 완전 그녀답다. 그녀가 널 놀린거네.
It’s totally typical of her. She teased you.
That’s classic. She’s making fun of you.
** classic 전형적인; 고전적인; 아주 훌륭한; 우수한
** That’ classic (비격식) 그런 식이지 = That’s typical
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
그것이 내가 정말 실망한 이유인 거 같아.
I think that’s the reason why I am gutted.
I think that’s why I’m gutted.
난 곧 회사에서 짤릴 것 같아. 실망이야.
I think I’m going to get fired soon.
I think I would get sacked soon.
실망이지만, 그에 대해 난 아무것도 할 수가 없어.
I’m gutted but I can’t do anything for that.
I’m gutted but I can’t do anything about that.
그건 내 결정이었지만,
It was my decision,
It was my decision,
그것이 연기된 것은 정말 실망이었어.
but I was gutted that it was put on ice.
but I was gutted that it was postponed.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 장보는 거 어떻게 되었어?
How did your grocery shopping go?
B: 정말 실망했어. 내가 원했던 거 못 샀어.
I’m gutted. I didn’t get what I wanted.
A: 그녀가 울음을 터트렸을때, 난 굉장히 처참했었어.
I was gutted when she burst into tears.
B: 완전 그녀답다. 그녀가 널 놀린거네.
That’s typical. She was making fun of you.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학원 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I'm gutted. 정말 실망이야.
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