Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Tuesday the 9th of June.
How to study any language effectively?
There are common mistakes to avoid.
Spend all your time studying from text books and forget about listening
Please don’t do this. Listen to the show and avoid making mistakes.
Of course, you have to read out loud with me.
권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 monthly textbook is on the market.
오늘의 하트 뿅뿅 표현은? 영어로 어떻게 로맨틱하게 말할까요?

직역: 너는 나에게서 자라는 중이다
=> 내 마음 속에서 너에 대한 호감도가 자란다
의역: 나는 네가 점점 좋아지고 있어.
A: 당신이 점점 좋아지고 있어요.
You’re growing on me.
You’re growing on me.
태어나줘서 고마워요.
Thank you for being born.
Thank you for being in this world.
B: 실례지만, 저 아세요?
Excuse me, but do you know me?
Excuse me, but do I know you?
A: 첫 눈에 반했어?
Did you fall in love at the first sight?
Did you fall in love at the first sight?
B: 처음에는 그 남자가 별루 였는데,
He was not so good at first,
I didn’t like him at first.
점점 좋아지고 있어
but he is growing on me.
but he is growing on me.
[문장 완성 게임]
나는 너를 그렇게 오랫동안 미워했었는데,
I hated you for that long,
I’ve hated you for so long,
나는 점점 너가 조금 좋아지고 있어
but you’re growing on me a bit.
but you’re growing on me a bit.
나는 너가 점점 좋아지고 있다는 걸 인정해야 해
I’ve got to accept that you’re growing on me.
I’ve got to admit you’re growing on me.
너가 나에게 잘 대해주기 때문에,
because you are nice to me.
because you are nice to me.
나는 그가 점점 좋아지고 있는 것 같애
I think he’s growing on me.
I think he’s growing on me.
그의 성격을 보면서
as I see his personality,
as I see his personality,
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 당신이 점점 좋아지고 있어요.
You’re growing on me.
시간 내 주셔서 감사합니다.
Thank you for your time.
B: 실례지만, 우리 전에 만난 적 있나요?
Excuse, but have we met before?
A: 정말 첫눈에 반할 수 있어?
Can you really fall in love at first sight?
B: 처음에는 그 남자를 싫어했는데, 점점 좋아지고 있어
I disliked him at first, but he’s growing on me.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 You're growing on me. 나는 네가 점점 좋아지고 있어.
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