You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Wednesday the 10th of June.
Happy hump day!
Wednesday is the middle of the workweek, meaning that one has made it “over the hump” towards the week, thus, hump day!
Tune in to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어, learn posh accent with me.
오늘의 올빼미 표현은?

해석: 자정 기름을 태우다 => 밤을 새우다=>밤 새도록 일하다/공부하다
A: 나 이 책을 다 읽으려고 밤 새웠어
I burnt the midnight oil reading the entire book.
I burnt the midnight oil to finish this book.
B: 뭐라고? 독서라느라 늦게까지 안 잤다고?
What? You stayed up late to read it?
What? You stayed up late reading?
오늘은 너한테 중요한 날이잖아.
It’s a big day for you today.
Today is your big day.
A: 너 눈이 충혈되었다.(blood shot eyes 충혈된 눈)
You have red eyes.
You have red eyes.
B: 제가 어제 밤새 공부했거든요
I burnt the midnight oil last night to study.
I burnt the midnight oil last night.
[문장 완성 게임]
시험이 내일인데, 준비가 전혀 안된 것 같애I have a test tomorrow but I’m not prepred for that at all.
My test is tomorrow and I don’t feel prepared at all
나는 오늘 밤 밤을 세워야 해
I should burn the midnight oil tonight.
I‘ve got to burn the midnight oil tonight.
그것을 염두에 두고
With that in mind,
With that in mind,
우리는 밤새도록 일하기로 결심했어
We are determined to burn the midnight oil.
We decided to burn the midnight oil.
그들은 계획을 마무리 짓기 위해 밤새도록 일했어
They burnt the midnight oil to complete the plan
They have burnt the midnight oil to finalize their plans.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 너의 보고서를 끝내기 위해 밤을 세웠어.
I burnt the midnight oil to finish your paper
B: 뭐라고? 늦게까지 안 잤다고?
What? You stayed up late?
정말 기쁘다
I’m chuffed to bits.
21.08.11.수 영국영어 I’m chuffed to bits. 난 너무너무 기뻐.
Today is Wednesday, the 11th of August. Everybody! Practice listening and speaking by concentrating on what’s been said, taking notes in your own words. I’m sure you can do that. chuffed 너무 기..
A: 너는 항상 눈이 충혈된 것 같애
It seems like you always have red eyes.
B: 제가 3일 동안 밤새 공부했거든요
I burned the midnight oil for three nights.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당
권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I burnt the midnight oil 나 밤새도록 일했어
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