You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Wednesday the 27th of May.
Happy Hump day!
Here are some tips on how you can beat the hump day.
Do something meaningful before work.
A good morning can mean a good day,
and accomplishing something early morning would mean you’ve already had success even before heading into the office.
So, tune in to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 and learn posh accent.
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** a piece of work 대단한 작품;예술
** 주어가 사람일 경우: 대단하다, 잘 났구나(빈정거림)
A: 으악, 열쇠를 차 안에 두었어.
OMG. I left my car key in the car.
OMG, I’m locked out of my car.
B: 대단합니다.
You’re a piece of work.
You’re a piece of work.
그럼 우리 어떻게 해야하나요?
So, what should we do?
What should we do, then?
A: 그는 비서없이 아무것도 못해요
He can’t do anything without his secretary.
He can’t do anything without his secretary.
B: 정말 그래.
You’re right, indeed.
그는 혼자서 장화도 못 신어
He can’t even put on his willies on his own.
He can’t even wear wellington boots by himself.
정말 진짜 대단하신 분이지.
He is absolutely a piece of work.
He certainly is a piece of work.
** 장화 wellington boots (영) rubber/rain boots(미)
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
그는 대단한 분 같지만
I think he is a piece of work,
Sounds like he is a piece of work,
나를 즐겁게 해
but pleases me.
but he entertains me.
** entertain; to keep a group of people interested or enjoying themselves.
나는 그녀가 대단한 분이라는 걸 알고 있었기 때문에
Because I know she is a piece of work.
Because I know she is a piece of work.
다른 학생들을 맡기지 trust 않아
I don’t take other students to her.
I don’t trust her with the other students.
난 그가 정말 대단한 분이라고 생각해.
I think he is really a piece of work.
I think he is a real piece of work.
넌 근처에서 논쟁을 위한 논쟁을 하는 그를 많이 볼거야.
You will see him arguing for arguments many times nearby.
You will see him around a lot of arguing for the sake of arguing.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 으아악~ 열쇠를 방안에 두고 잠궜어.
Oh my gosh, I locked out of my room.
B: 대단하다.
You’re a piece of work.
그럼 누구를 부를거야?
Who do you call, then?
A: 그는 자신의 조교없이는 아무것도 못해.
He can’t do anything without his assistant.
B: 정말 그래
You’re right, indeed.
그는 스스로 운전기사도 못 불러.
He can’t even call a chauffeur by himself.
진짜 대단한 분이야.
He certainly is a piece of work.
** 개인운전사; chauffeur; personal driver.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 You are a piece of work. 너 대단하다.
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