Thanks for tuning in to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Tuesday the 30th of June.
July is just around the corner.
Let me give you some summer study tips.
Well, turn on your fan first of all, and take online class.
Take summer classes, listen to the radio.
And I’m here for you.
Listen to the show and enjoy your hot summer.
권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 monthly textbook is on the market.
오늘의 비밀 지키기를 영어로??

** keep (상태/비밀) 를유지하다
A: 그냥 우리끼리 비밀로 하자.
Let’s just keep it between us.
Let’s just keep it between us.
사실, 내가 유통기간 지난 저지방우유를 선생님께 드렸어.
In fact, I gave hime an outdate skimmed milk.
Actually, I gave him an expired semi-skimmed milk.
B: 와우, 대박 사건! 너 배짱도 좋아.
Wow, that’s mental! You’ve got the gut.
** 저지방 우유: semi-skimmed milk (영); 2% milk (미); low fat milk (미)
A: 그냥 우리끼리 비밀로 하자.
Let’s just keep it between us.
Let’s just keep it between us.
사실, 나 오늘 초코렛을 하나도 못 받았어.
Actually I haven’t got any chocolate today.
In fact, I didn’t get any chocolate today.
B: 다 지난 일이야.
That’s water under the bridge.
It’s water under the bridge.
친구야 힘내.
Mate, cheer up.
Cheer up, mate.
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
넌에게 말하고 싶지만,
I’d love to say, but I think
I want to tell you, but I feel like
그냥 우리끼리 비밀로 해야 할 것 같아.
We’ve got to just keep it between us.
We’ve got to keep it between us.
우린 그냥 우리끼리 비밀로 하려고 했어.
We just try to keep it between us
We were just going to keep it between us
나는 사람들이 나를 보고 불쌍하게 여기는 걸 바라지 않아서.
because I didn’t want people to see me and to think of me with pity.
because I didn’t want people to look at me and feel sorry for me.
** feel sorry for me 불쌍하게 여기다.
난 크리스마스에 좋은 중고 트럭으로 그를 놀라게 해주려고 해.
I’m trying to surprise him with a good used truck on Christmas.
I’m trying to surprise him with a nice used truck for Christmas.
그러니깐 우리끼리만 비밀로 하자.
so let’s keep it between us.
so let’s keep it between us.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 그냥 우리끼리 비밀로 하자.
Let’s just keep it between us.
사실 내가 만료된 도서관 카드를 그에게 주었어.
Actually, I gave him an expired library card.
B: 대박이네. 그는 상황 파악을 못할거야.
That’s mental. He will lose the plot.
20.06.26.금 You have lost the plot. 너 상황 파악이 안 되는구나. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Friday the 26 of June. How do you spend your Friday? ### better than going out, binge watch the latest shows, ### yourself, and ca..
A: 그냥 우리끼리만 비밀로 하자.
Let’s just keep it between us.
사실 나 오늘 편지를 하나도 못 받았어.
In fact, I didn’t get any letters today.
B: 다 지난 일이야.
It’s water under the bridge.
견뎌내야 해.
You’ve got to take it on the chin.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Let’s just keep it between us. 그냥 우리끼리 비밀로 하자.
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