Today is Tuesday, the 28th of July.
How can I make learning English easier?
Well, set aside 10 minutes a day.
Grab your diary and schedule in at least 10 minutes each day in order to memorize what you’ve learnt.
Ready for this, listeners?
You can use 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 monthly textbook.

It costs an arm and a leg.
직역: 그것은 팔과 다리의 값이 나가다
의역: 1~2차 세계 대전당시 팔과 다리를 잃은 군인들이 많았는데, 나라를 위한 댓가 치고는 너무 과했다
-> 그건 엄청 비싸
A: 이 드레스는 나를 정말 돋보이게 만드는 flattering on 데,
This dress really makes me highlight
This dress really flattering on me
엄청 비싸네
but it costs an arm and a leg.
but it costs an arm and a leg.
B: 너한테 정말 좋아보이긴 한데,
It really looks good on you,
It looks smashing on you,
제일 싼 걸로 해
but choose the cheapest one
but buy the cheapest one.
A: 나는 새로운 바를 가지고 싶은데,
I’d like to own a new bar.
I’d like to have a new bar.
엄청 비쌀지도 몰라.
It might cost an arm and a leg.
It may cost me an arm and a leg.
B: 인테리어에 돈 좀 덜 쓰지 그래
Why don’t you save expense on interior?
You should spend less on interior.
로스쿨에 들어가는 것은 진짜 비싸다는 건 거의 모든 사람들이 알고 있어.
Almost all people know that going to law school costs an arm and a leg.
Almost everyone knows that it costs an arm and a leg to go to law school.
이제 너는 너 영상들에 출연할star in 전문가를 고용하는 것이 진짜 비싸다고 생각할지도 몰라
Now you may think it costs an arm and a leg to hire an expert who will appear on your videos.
Now you might think it costs an arm and a leg to hire an expert to star in your videos.
* star in 출연하다;주연을 맡다
* 권주현 is going to star in a film
그 새 휴대폰은 나한테 정말 좋지만, 너무 비싸
The new mobile phone is fantastic for me but it costs an arm and a leg.
The new phone is excellent for me but it costs an arm and a leg.
점원이 나에게 그 새 휴대폰은 나한테 정말 좋다고 말했지만,
The shop clerk said the new mobile phone is fantastic for me
The salesman told me the new phone is excellent for me.
나한테 너무 비싼 것 같애요
but I think it costs me an arm and a leg.
but I think it costs an arm and a leg.
[Speak Like a Brit]
이 드레스는 정말 값어치가 있지만 엄청 비싸
This dress is really worth the money, but it costs an arm and a leg
난 새 세탁기를 갖고 싶은데, 엄청 비쌀지도 몰라
I’d like to have a new washing machine, but it may cost me an arm and a leg.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당
권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 It costs an arm and a leg. 그건 엄청 비싸