Today is Wednesday, the 29th of July.
How do you get over hump day?
I’ve got to say go over everything you’ve learnt in the week.
So, listen to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어, and learn posh accent with me, very classic, indeed.
You can also buy 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 monthly textbook.

* go through 겪다; 경험하다
* motions 같은 움직임들
* go through the motions 같은 움직임을 경험하다
=> 어떤 행동을 건성건성 시늉만 하다
A: 하는 시늉만 하지마. 난 니 뒤에 있단다
Don’t go through the motions. I’m behind you.
Don’t go through the motions. I’m standing behind you.
B: 죄송한데요, 지저분한 주방을 가지고 계시네요
Sorry, but you have a dirty kitchen.
I’m sorry, but you have a grotty kitchen.
A: 헬스장에서 하는 시늉만 하지마세요.
Don’t go through the motions in the gym.
Don’t go through the motions in the gym.
조금도 any 나아지지 않을거예요
It’s not going to be better anymore.
You won’t get any better.
B: 이제 포기해요. 필라테스를 시작할 겁니다.
I give up now. I’ll take up pilates.
Now I give up. I’m going to start pilates.
더 이상 하는 시늉만 하지 말아라
Don’t go through the motions anymore.
Don’t go through the motions anymore.
내일을 기다리지 마
Don’t wait for tomorrow.
Don’t wait for tomorrow.
그냥 하는 시늉만 하지 마
Don’t just go through the motions
Just don’t go through the motions.
모닝 카푸치노를 만들 때,
when you brew the morning cappuccino.
when making your morning cappuccino.
그는 친구들을 환영하는 시늉만 했는데,
He goes through the motions of welcoming friends.
He went through the motions of welcoming his friends.
그런 다음 빨리 방에서 나갔어
after then, he quickly went out of the room.
but then, quickly left the room.
[Speak like a Brit]
A: 하는 시늉만 하지 마라, 내가 널 계속 주시하고 있어
Don’t go through the motions. I keep staring at you
Don’t go through the motions. I’m keeping an eye on you
B: 유감스럽지만, 더러운 기계를 가지고 계시네요
Sorry but you have a grotty machine.
I’m afraid but you have a grotty machine.
A: 헬스장에서 하는 시늉만 하지 마세요
Don’t go through the motions in the gym.
Don’t go through the motions in the gym.
당신이 원하는 걸 얻지 못할 거예요
You won’t get what you want
You won’t get what you want.
B: 이제 끝났어요. 필라테스를 시작할 겁니다.
It’s all over now. I’m going to start pilates.
Now it’s over. I’m going to start pilates.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Don’t go through the motions. 하는 시늉만 하지 마.