You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Wednesday the 7th of October.
How can you study English alone?
One said education is the passport to the future for tomorrow, belongs to those who prepare for it. This quote basically means you need to be prepared for life. Studying prepares you for many many things that you need to do in the real world. So listeners! What are you waiting for? Listen to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 and learn posh accent with me.
오늘 친구의 합류 의사를 물어볼 수 있는 표현은?
** Do you want to come along? 에서 “Do you”가 생략된 표현
A: 우린 내일 동물원에 갈건데, 같이 갈래?
We’re going to the zoo tomorrow. Want to come along?
We’re going to the zoo tomorrow, Want to come along?
B: 나 엄청 바빠.
I am pretty busy.
I am busy as a bee.
A: 이곳은 인터넷에서 소문이 자자했어요
This is pretty famous on the internet.
This place went viral on the internet.
같이 가실래요?
Want to come along?
Want to come along?
B: 저는 이미 거기에 가봤어요
I’ve been there already.
I’ve been there already.
** viral 바이러스성의
** go viral 정보가 빨리 돌다;입소문나다
[문장 완성 게임]
금요일 밤에 같이 갈래?
Want to come along on Friday night?
Want to come along on Friday night?
아주 좋은 술집을 찾았어
I found a pretty good pub.
I found a lovely pub.
우리는 같이 타고 가길 원하는 고객들을 찾고 있습니다.
We looking for the customers who want to come along on board?
We looking for customers who want to come along for the ride?
난 그 가게에 갈 예정이야
I’m planning to go to the store.
I’m going to the store.
시간 괜찮으면 같이 갈래?
want to come along if you have some time?
want to come along if you’re available?
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 우리는 오늘 공원에 갈꺼야. 같이 갈래?
We are going to the park today.
같이 갈래?
Want to come along?
B: 사실, 나 지금 엄청 바빠
In fact, I’m busy as a bee right now
A: 이곳은 SNS에서 소문이 자자했어.
This place went viral on social media.
같이 갈래?
Want to come along?
B: 거기에 이미 몇번 가봤습니다.
I’ve already been there several times.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당
권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 want to come along? 같이 갈래?
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