Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Monday the 5th of October.
Some experts have shown how to start your week off on the right foot.
No one seems to enjoy the first day of week, but if you end the day on a high note, you have much better week.
Before you start your day, spend the first 5 to 10 minutes coming up with a few list.
And I’m sure one of them is listening to the show.
So, time to what you have written. You’ve got to do this
삶의 틀에 갇혀 살고 있는 사람에게 해줄 수 있는 표현은?

*rut 부드러운 땅에 생긴 바퀴 자국
=> 같은 자동차가 지나가면, 바퀴자국은 항상 동일한 패턴
=> 일상에 비해해보면, 항상 동일한 일상
* stuck in a rut 판에 박힌=>틀에 갇혀 있는
A: 넌 너의 직업에서 틀에 박혀 있어.
You’re stuck in a rut.
You’re stuck in a rut in your work.
넌 변화가 필요하지
You need changes.
You need a change of scene.
B: 내가 딱 그말 하려고 했는데,
You’ve got the word out of my mouth.
You took the words right out of my mouth.
20.07.30.목 You took the words right out of my mouth. 내가 딱 그 말을 하려고 했는데. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영
Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Thursday, the 30th of July. Well, we all make mistakes. That’s probably no big news. But when you learn a foreign language, you might be su..
더 이상은 못 참겠어.I can’t do it anymore.
I’ve had it.
20.08.13.목 I've had it! 더 이상은 못 참겠어! 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS Radio Today is Thursday the 13th of August. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Be confident. People can only correct your mistakes when they hear you make t..
A: 그녀는 연기하는 낙으로 살지만 live for,
She enjoys acting,
She lives for acting
그녀의 연기는 틀에 박힌 것 같애
but her acting seems to be stuck in a rut
but I feel like her acting is stuck in a rut.
B: 그녀는 모든 감정을 눈물로 표현하지
She expresses all the emotions by tears.
She expresses every emotion with tears.
[문장 완성 게임]
넌 지루함과 편안함 그리고 목적상실의 틀에 갇혀 있는 것 같애
I think you’re stuck in a rut with boring, comforting, purposelessness
I think you’re stuck in a rut of bordem, comfort, and aimlessness.
** 지루함 bordem,
** 편안함 comfort,
** 목적상실 aimlessness
난 그냥 우리가 틀에 갇힌 것 같고,
I just think we are stuck in a rut,
I just feel like we are stuck in a rut,
그것에 대해 어떡해야 하는지 모르겠어
and I don’t know what to do with that.
and I have no idea what to do about it.
때때로 우리는 틀에 갇혀서,
We are sometimes stuck in a rut,
Sometimes, we are stuck in a rut,
그렇게 큰 변화를 만들 수 없는 것 같애 can’t seem toso we wouldn’t be able to make such a big change.
and can’t seem to make that big change.
[Speak Like a Brit]
넌 너의 직업에서 틀에 갇혀 있는 것 같애
I feel you’re stuck in a rut in your work.
넌 변화가 필요하지
You need a change of scene.
** a change of scene: 장면의 변화
=> 오랫동안 있던 곳에서 장소나 환경을 바꿔주는 것
그녀는 일하는 낙으로 살지만,
She lives for her work,
틀에 박힌 것 같애
but I feel like she is stuck in a rut.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 You’re stuck in a rut. 너는 틀에 갇혀 있어.