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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.02.05.Fri]입이 트이는 영어 Baby Teeth and Permanent Teeth

by Namaskara 2021. 2. 5.

[Brainstorming] wiggle, baby teeth, permanent teeth, loose, grow in, pull a teeth


[Speaking] Talk about baby teeth and permanent teeth.


My child's baby tooth fell out for the first time 2 months ago. The loose tooth fell out on its own while she was brushing her teeth. There was a little blood but thankfully she said it didn't hurt. I can graduate congratulated her how to=== and hugged her tight. And she was very happy. We had a laugh when she said that she would listen to mam and dad even better, since she was all grown up now. She probably proudly told her neighbors that she had lost a tooth. They can gradulate congratulated her, too.


It's most common for a permanent tooth to take the place of a baby tooth after it falls out. With the back models molars, the permanent teeth grow right away, without baby teeth.


When I was a young kid, I heard that you would grow with a healthy permanent tooth, if you threw your baby tooth onto the roof. It makes me wonder about tooth related customs in other countries. Given the chance, I would like to ask people. 



My child's baby teeth fell out for the first time.

I saw the ocean for the first time when I was 7 years old.

I heard about it for the first time yesterday.


The cut will probably heal on its own.

Cavities don't get better on their own.


She said that she was all grown up now.

When I was young, just wearing a tie made me feel all grown up.



A: My son lost a baby tooth yesterday.

B: That must have be been hurt somthing aweful. Did he cry?

A: He cried a little because of the blood.

B: My child's tooth fell out naturally while she was brushing her teeth.

A: Oh I see

B: It's important to remove baby teeth in a timely manner to ensure even teeth as an adult.


[Composition] 2 & 4

1. 나 어제 처음으로 생굴을 먹었어

I ate raw oysters for the first time yesterday


2. 알아서 자연스럽게 없어질 문제가 아니야

It's not the problem that will not disappear go away on its own.

->The problem won't go away on its own


3. 나는 10대 내가 다 큰 줄 알았다.

I thought that I was all grown up when I was 10s a teenager.

->When I was a teenager, I though that I was all grown up.


4. 굉장히 아팠지만, 오래지속되지는 않았어.

It hurt something aweful, but it didn't last so long.

-> It hurt something aweful, but it didn't last long.


5. 나는 치아가 고른 편은 아니지만, 그래도 치아 상태가 건강한 편이다.

   I don't have even teeth, but they are healthy conditions.

->I don't have even teeth, but they are healthy.

