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[2021.05.20.Thu][Easy Writing] Elphaba leaves for the Emerald city

by Namaskara 2022. 5. 20.

not as [형용사] as [주어] thought
[주어]가 생각한큼 [형용사]하지 않은
영어를 배우는 것은 내가 생각한 만큼 나쁘지 않네요.
Learning English is not as bad as I thought
그 영화 내가 생각했던 것만큼 지루하지는 않았어
The film was not as boring as I thought
The movies was not as boring as I had thought
스포츠카를 운전하는 게 내가 생각하는 것 만큼 쉽지는 않네
Driving a sports car is not as easy as I thought.
principal 교장, quickly, train station기차역
say one's good-byes 작별인사를 하다
finally, scary 무서운,
prove oneself 능력을 보여주다
grant 부여하다;허락하다
pack one's bags [누군가]의 짐을 싸다
*Did you pack your bags?
나는 짐을 싸고 뉴욕으로 향했어.
I packed my bags and left for New York.
I packed my bags and headed to New York.
So I can be a broadway musical actor.
Wish me good luck!
서둘러 그리고 너의 짐들을 싸
Hurry up and pack your bags.

명사 where [평서문] [평서문]인 명사
여기는 내가 그녀를 처음 만난 곳이야
This is the place where I met her at first.
This is the place where I first met her.
그건 누구든 당황할 상황이지
It is the situation where anyone could be embarrased
It is the situation where anyone would panic.

see [목적어] off [목적어]를 배웅하다
우리 삼촌을 그 공항에서 나를 배웅했어
My uncle saw me off at the airport.
그녀는 그 기차역에서 그녀의 아들을 배웅했어
She saw her son off at the train station.

[Five Golden Sentences]
교장이 엘바하의 마법의 힘에 대해 알아내고
When the principal of the school recongnizes about Elphabaha's spelling power,
When the principal of the school finds out about Elphabaha's magic powers,
가서 오즈의 마법사를 만나라고 그녀에게 조언한다.
she advises her to meet the wizard of OZ
she recommends her to go and meet the wizard of OZ

그녀는 재빨리 가방을 싸서 마법사가 있는 에메랄드 시티로 향한다.
She quickly packs her bags and leaves for the Emerald city where the wizard lives
She quickly packs her bags and leaves for the Emerald city where the wizard is

피에로와 글린다는 기차역에 그녀를 배웅하러 오지만
When Pierro and Glinda come to see her off at the train station
피에로는 작별인사만 하고 그냥 떠난다.
Pierro just says his good-byes and leaves.

엘파바는 마침내 마법사를 만나는데,
Elphaba finally meets the wizard
Elphaba finally meets the wizard
그는 생각만큼 무서워보이지 않는다.
and he doesn't look as scary as she thought.
and he doesn't seem as scary as she thought.

마법사는 그녀의 요청을 허락하기 전에 그녀에게 능력을 보여달라고 부탁한다.
The wizard asks her to prove herself before he accepts her request
The wizard asks her to prove herself before he grants her request

이 치킨은 내가 생각한 만큼 바삭하지는 않네
This chicken is not as crispy as I thought.

