You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Monday the 25th of January.
How to feel great and live a fulfilling life?
Be satisfied and happy is a feeling which comes as a result of our selected and focused daily actions.
When you accept your responsibility for your life and start creating good situations, all areas of your life will impove.
When you focus on positive actions, your life become much much better.
Then, you have a fulfilling life.
Ready for this?
Let’s get started.

** chew the fat 지방을 씹다.
** 유래: 옛 선원들이 항해 중 담배를 피우다가 긴 항해 동안 담배가 떨어지면, 담배 대신에 동물성 지방인 fat, 가죽, 심지어 헝겊까지 씹으며 잡담을 즐겼음
A: 우리는 몇분간 수다를 떨었는데,
We chewed the fat for minutes,
We chewed the for for a few minutes,
그는 별로 내세울 게 없어.
but he has nothing to boast
but he has nothing to write home about.
B: 미안해. 너 소개팅 잘 안됐구나.
Sorry. Your blind date didn’t go well.
Sorry. Your blind date didn’t go well.
** nothing to write home about **
=> 집에 편지 쓸 정도로 특별한 일이 없는 것
=> 평범한 것
=> 유래: 제1차 세계대전 때, 군인이 집에 자신의 안부 편지를 썼던 것에서 유래
A: 우리 서로 알아가야지.
We’ve got to know each other.
We’ve got to know each other.
수다 떨자구.
Let’s chew the fat.
Let’s chew the fat.
우리 ( ) 푸짐한 식사 즐길 수 있어.
We can enjoy a big meal
We can enjoy a hearty meal
(서둘러 다시 일하러 갈 생각/걱정없이)
without concerning to go back to work in a hurry.
without worrying about rushing back to work.
B: 여보, 우리 이제 집에서 2달 이상 지냈어.
Darling, we’ve been home for more than 2 months now.
Honey, we’ve stayed home for more than 2 months now.
** hearty 마음이 따뜻한; 다정한
** hearty meal 매우 푸짐하고 만족스러운 식사.
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
언젠가는 ( ) 바래.
I hope some day
I hope one day
(넌 함께 수다를 떨 수 있길)
you will be able to chew the fat together.
you will be able to chew the fat together.
그들은 ( ) 위해 1년에 한번 만나.
They meet once a year
They meet up once a yeat
(지난 날에 대해서 수다를 떨기)
to chew the fat for the old days.
to chew the fat about the old days.
우리는 잠시 수다를 떨었지 뭐야.
We chewed the fat for a while.
We chewed the fat for a while.
친구들과 함께 나가서 ( ) 좋아.
I like to go out with my friends
It was nice to go out with friends
(잠시 수다 떠는 것이)
and chew the fat for a while.
and chew the fat for a while.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 우린 잠시 수다를 떨었는데,
We chewed the fat for a while,
그는 별로 내세울 게 없어.
but he has nothing to write home about.
A: 우리 서로 알아가야지.
We’ve got to know each other.
조금 수다 떨자구.
Let’s chew the fat a bit.
우리 서둘러 다시 일하러 갈 걱정없이 푸짐한 식사를 즐길 수가 있어
We can enjoy a hearty meal without worrying about rushing back to work.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 We chewed the fat. 우리는 수다를 떨었어.
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