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2020 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.01.22.금 He is a tough nut to crack. 그는 상대하기 까다로운 사람이야. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2023. 1. 22.

You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Friday the 22nd of Friday.
Make sure that you’re spending enough quality time with yourself and for yourself.
Take a class and try out a new hobby.
Listen to the show and make this as your new hobby.
Make sure you speak out loud with me.

** a tough(hard) nut to crack 깨기 힘든 견과

A: 그는 상대하기 까다로운 사람이니 조심하세요.
Be careful that he’s a tough nut to crack.
He’s a touch nut to crack, so be careful.
B: 조언 고마워요.
Thanks for your advice.
Thanks for your advice.
그가 조금 과민한 거 알고 있어요.
I know he is a bit sensitive.
I know he is little touchy.

** touchy 민감한; 과민한 easily offended or upset

A: 주민들에게 동의를 구한다는 건 까다로운 일이 될 것 같아요.
It will be a tough nut to crack to get agreement from the residents.
Getting a yes from the residents will be a tough nut to crack.
B: 그건 책임 회피 cop-out인 거 같군요.
It sounds avoiding your duty.
I think it’s a cop-out.

** cop-out 책임회피; 책임회피하다
(주로 배신하고 꽁무니를 빼는 상황; 비격식)

[문장 완성 응용 게임]
이 나이에도 그는 여전히 상대하기 까다로운 사람입니다.
For this age, he is still a tough nut to crack.
Even at this age, he is still a tough nut to crack.

( ) 그녀는 정말 상대하기 까다로운 사람이었어
She was really a tough nut to crack
She was really a tough nut to crack
(항공권 예약에 관해서라면)
when it comes to ticketing.
when it comes to her airline reservations.

그녀는 상대하기 까다롭고, 접근하기 힘든 사람이라서
She was a tough nut to crack, difficult to get close,
She was a tough nut to crack, very unapproachable,
그녀는 우리에게 허락하지 않을 것 같애.
so she wouldn’t allow us.
so I don’t think she will give us permission.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 그는 상대하기 까다로운 사람이니깐, 알아두세요.
He is a tough nut to crack, so keep in mind.
He is a tough nut to crack, so be aware.

A: 다른 당에 동의를 구하는 건 까다로운 일이 될 것 같애.
Getting a yes from the other party will be a tough nut to crack.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 He is a tough nut to crack. 그는 상대하기 까다로운 사람이야.

