You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Wednesday the 20th of January, and today is 대한, one of the seasonal indicators marking the coldest of winter.
Although it’s freezing, bundle up and think the first month of year is the perfect month to study.
Very postive, indeed.
에너지 주체가 안되는 사람에게 쓸 수 있는 표현은?
** 직역; 그는 (건강에 좋은) 콩으로 가득차 있어 => 에너지 넘쳐
** 의역: 그는 활기가 넘쳐; 그는 원기왕성해.
A: 내 아들은 잠깐 자고 나서, 다시 활기가 넘쳐.
My son is full of beans after a short sleeping.
My son is full of beans after a short sleep.
B: 안됐네. 넌 굉장히 행복해 보였는데.
That’s bad. You were looking very happy.
I feel sorry. You seems to be happy as a clam.
** (as) happy as a clam **
=> extremely happy 조개처럼 행복한
=> 매우 행복한
A: 그는 활기가 넘치는데, 난 그에게는 나이가 너무 많아.
He’s full of beans but I’m too old for him.
He’s full of beans but I’m too old for him.
B: 무슨 터무니 없는 소리야!
What a ridiculous saying!
What a loads of codswallop!
** codswallop 터무니 없는 말 = nonsense
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
그는 ( ) 확실히 다시 활기가 넘쳐.
He is definitely full of beans again
He is certainly full of beans again
(자신의 병이 나은 후에)
after recovery from his illness
after his illness is cured.
그는 웃고 소리쳤고
He was laughing and shouting
He was laughing and shouting,
대체로 generally 활기가 넘쳤어.
and full of beans over all.
and generally full of beans.
그녀는 완전 활기가 넘쳤어.
She was absolutely full of beans.
She was absolutely full of beans.
나 완전 활기가 넘치는 사람을 만났어.
I met a person who was absolutely full of beans.
I met the person who was absolutely full of beans.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 내 아들은 오래 자고 나서 다시 활기가 넘쳤습니다.
My son is full of beans again after a long sleep.
B: 안됐네. 넌 그것에 대해 굉장히 행복해 보였는데,
I feel sorry. You seemed to be happy as a clam about it.
A: 그는 활기가 넘치는데,
He’s full of beans
난 뭔가를 하기에 너무 늙었어.
but I’m too old to do something.
B: 터무니 없는 소리 하고 있네, 진짜!
What a load of crap!
출처 EBS 오디오 어학원 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 He is full of beans. 그는 활기가 넘쳐.
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