You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Weekly Review on Saturday the 16th of January.
When certain key concepts learnt in a previous class are reinforced through review before continue new subjects.
This helps remind students what they learnt and developes a concrete base for their learning.
I’ve just mentioned the importance of review.
So, you know what to do now.

21.01.11.월 It is selling like hot cakes. 그건 불티나게 팔리고 있어.
A: 요즘 모든 사람들이 스맛폰 감옥을 가지고 있지 뭐야.
These days everybody has a smartphone jail.
These days everybody has mobile phone jail.
B: 그건 옥외광고판 효과 덕분에 불티나게 팔리고 있어.
It is selling like hot cakes thanks to banner effects.
It is selling like hot cakes thanks to the hoarding effect.
A: 밖이 아주 더워요.
It’s scorching outside.
It’s very hot outside.
우리 아이스크림은 불티나게 팔릴거예요.
Our ice cream will be selling like hot cakes.
Our ice cream will sell like hot cakes.
B: 만약 계획대로 진행된다면,
If everything goes according to plans,
If everything goes according to plan,
우리는 올해 안에 억만장자가 될거야.
we will become a billionaire in this year.
we will be a billionaire within this year.
20.03.09.월 If everything goes according to plan, 모든 것이 계획대로 된다면, 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
고품격 British Accent로 배워보는 EBS 라디오 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어. Today is March 9th Monday. Please don’t think about Monday blues. You are going to study and listen to posh accent and speak out..
21.01.12.화 It’s at the heart of the matter. 그것이 문제의 핵심이야.
A: 그녀는 항상 상처에 반창고를 붙여.
She always puts a plaster on her the wounds.
B: 그게 문제의 핵심이야.
It’s at the heart of the matter.
그녀는 약을 전혀 안 먹어.
She doens’t take medicine at all.
A: 이제 우리는 문제의 핵심에 도달했어요.
Now we are at the heart of the matter.
Now we come to the heart of the matter.
누가 우리 저녁값 낼거야?
Who’s going to pay for our dinner?
B: 각자 부담하지, 뭐.
Let’s split, well.
Let’s go dutch.
돈 냈으면, 단톡방 나가도 돼.
Once you pay, you can get out of the group chat.
If you paid, you can leave the chat room.
21.01.13.수 Who do you think I am? 내가 누구라고 생각하니?
A: 물 한잔만 주실 수 있어요?
Could you give me a glass of water, please?
B: 내가 누구하고 생각하니?
Who do you think I am?
정신줄 났습니까?
Are you out of your tree?
A: 당신 팀이 선수권 대회에서 우승할 수 있다고 생각합니까?
Do you think your team can win in the world competition?
Do you think your team can win the championship?
B: 내가 누구라고 생각하니?
Who do you think I am?
알잖아요. 내가 그 전설적인 축구선수랍니다.
You know I’m the legendary soccer player.
You know I’m the legendary football player.
21.01.14.목 It spiraled out of control. 그건 통제 불능이 되었어.
A: 팬들이 통제 불능이 되어 leading 최소 100명이 다쳤어요.
Fans spiraled out of control and at least 100 were injured.
Fans spiraled out of control, leading at least 100 injured.
B: 맙소사! 너무 미안하네요.
Crikey! I’m so sorry.
Crikey! I feel so srry.
20.06.12.금 Crikey! 헉! 이런! (놀람의 감탄사) 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Friday the 12th of June. Learning English through radio is one of the most effective tools to improve your listening skills. Make..
21.01.15.금 It quickly went viral. 그건 빠르게 입소문이 났어.
A: 그 게시물은 다른 플랫폼에서 빠르게 입소문이 났어.
The posting quickly went viral on a different platform.
The post quickly went viral on other platforms.
B: 그것은 뜻밖의 행운이었지.
It was a stroke of luck.
20.06.03.수 It was a stroke of luck. 그건 뜻밖의 행운이었어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Wednesday the 3rd of June. How do you get over hump day? Any special method you have? I’ve got to say go over everything you’ve..
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Weekly Review 2021.01.11 ~ 2021.01.15