You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Thursday the 14th of January.
Listeners! Free some of your time for life improvement.
Minimize TV and useless hours on social networks.
Wasting time is a main obstacle between you and a good life.
You know best what is eating your free time.
So don’t waste your time today and spend valuable time with me for 10 minutes.

** spiral 나선(명); 나선형의(형); 나선형으로 움직이다(동)
** 직역: 그것은 통제 불능으로 나선형으로 움직였다.
=> 낙엽이 하늘에서 빙글빙글 돌면서 떨어지는 모습
** 의역: 그건 통제불능이 되었어.
A: 공무원들은 ( ) 흡혈 곤충을 죽이기로 결정했어.
Officials decided to kill dracula insects
Officials decided to kill blood sucking insects
(통제불능이 되기 전에)
before it spiraled out of control.
before it spiraled out of control.
B: 신문을 읽고 완전히 실망했어.I’m totally gutted after reading the newspaper.
I was utterly disappointed when I read the paper.
A: 그는 통제불능이었어.
He spiraled out of control.
He spiraled out of control.
나는 틀림없이 이 사실에 대해 그의 부모님께 말할거야.
I’ll definitely tell his parents about this fact.
I’m jolly well going to tell his parents about this fact.
B: 그런데 다른 애들을 놀린 건 그녀였다구요.
But it was her who teased the others.
But she was the one who teased others.
** jolly well 틀림없이; 필시 **
(화가 났거나 짜증이 난 상태에서 강조해서 말할 때)
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
그건 저녁 내내 통제 불능이었던 같애.
I think it spiraled out of control all the evening.
I feel like it spiraled out of control throughout the eveing.
그것은 충분히 조짐이 좋은 promising 시작이었어.
It started promising enough.
그러나 빨리 통제 불능이 되었어.
But it spiraled out of control quickly.
But it spiraled out of control quickly.
그건 마치 우리에게 통제불능인 것처럼 느껴졌어.
It felt like it spiraled out fo control for us.
It felt as though it spiraled out of control for us.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 공무원들은 통제불능이 되기 전에 야생돼지들을 죽이기로 결정했어.
Officials decided to kill wild boars before it spiraled out of control.
B: 나는 그 이야기를 알았을 때, 완전히 실망했어.
I was utterly disppointed when I found out the story.
A: 그는 통제 불능이었어.
He spiraled out of control.
나는 이 사실에 대해 틀림없이 그의 부모님께 전화할거야.
I’m jolly well going to ring his parents about this fact.
B: 그런데 듣기를 거부한 건 그녀였어요.
But she was the one who refused to listen.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 It spiraled out of control. 그건 통제 불능이 되었어.