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2020 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.01.15.금 It quickly went viral. 그것은 빠르게 입소문이 났어/ 순식간에 퍼졌어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2023. 1. 15.

You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS Radio.
Today is Friday the 15th of January.
Focus on your plans to creat a good life. Plan your goals and do something actions daily in that direction. This will give you the necessary boost and keep you moving. So, listeners! Keep your motivation and move on a high level.

오늘 떡상한 영상을 보고 쓸 수 있는 말은?

** viral 바이러스성의 ( virus의 형용사형)
** go viral 정보가 빨리 돌다;소문이 나다

A: 그녀는 수요일에 태풍 영상을 올렸는데,
She uploaded a video about typhoon on Wednesday,
She posted the typhoon video on Wednesday,
그게 빠르게 입소문이 났어
and it quickly went viral.
and it quickly went viral.
B: 맞아. 그거 엄청났었지
Indeed, it was a blast.
Indeed, it was stupendous.
**stupendous 엄청난;거대한;굉장히 놀라운

A: 당신의 제품이 SNS에서 빠르게 소문을 탓어요
Your item quickly went viral on social media.
Your product quickly went viral on social media.
B: 알게되어 기쁘네요.
I’m glad to know that.
Glad to know.
모든 게 더할 나위 없이 좋아요
Everything is good enough.
Everything is hunky-dory
** hunky-dory (이벤트나 사건이)매우 만족스럽고 즐거운

[문장 완성 게임]
그는 자신의 진술이 인터넷 상에서 빠르게 퍼진 후,사람들에게 오해를 받았다고 말했어
He said that he was misunderstood by people after his statement quickly went viral on the internet.
He said that his statement was misunderstood by people after it quickly went viral on the internet.

여기 SNS에서 빠르게 입소문이 난 세가지 상징적인 iconic 마스크의 목록이 있어
Here is the list of three symbolic masks that quickly went viral on social media.
Here is a list of three iconic masks that quickly went viral on social media.

이 가수는 SNS에서 입소문이 났어
This singer went viral on social media.
This singer went viral on social media.
영상제작으로 SNS에서 소문을 탄 한 가수가 사람들의 마음을 감동시키고 있어
A singer, who went viral on social media with a video production, is touching people’s hearts.
A singer, who went viral on social media for making videos, is touching people’s hearts.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 그녀는 수요일에 자신의 먹방 영상을 올렸는데,
She posted her mukbang video on Wednesday,
그게 빠르게 입소문이 났어
and it quickly went viral.
B: 너 말이 맞아. 그건 엄청 났었지
You’re right. It was stupendous.

그 이미지가 SNS에서 빠르게 입소문을 탓지 뭐야
The image quickly went viral on social media.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 It quickly went viral. 그것은 빠르게 입소문이 났어

