Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Tuesday, the 2nd of March.
Is there something you want to change in your life?
Well, think about it for a second, if there is useless month to start changing your life,
and think how much will change by the end of it.
want to study English and change your life?
All you need to do is enjoy the program and repeat after me.

너는 너(your own thing)를 한다.
너는 너의 것을 한다
너 대로 해;너 하고 싶은대로 해
A: 보라색이 대세 the new black예요. 다시 염색해주세요
Purple is a trend. So please dying my hair again.
Purple is the new black. I’ve got to dye my hair again.
B: 하고 싶은대로 하세요.
You do you.
You do you.
그런데 염색을 너무 많이 하면 머리가 빠질수도 있어요
But you might lose the hair to much dying.
But if you dye your hair too much, it could fall out.
A: 말했잖아. 나 일하느라 정신없이 바빴다고I told you I am tied up the work.
Told you I’ve been swamped with work
B: 넌 너대로 하렴. 난 달리기 하러 간다.
You do you. I’m going for a run.
You do you. I’m off for a run.
21.04.16.금 I've been swamped with work. 일하느라 정신없이 바빴어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
Today is Friday, the 16th of April. Why don't we keep a folder of your proudest moments? Maintaining collection of moments you're proud of can help you get motivation for future projects. swamp 늪/..
[Step by Step]
어쩼든 넌 너대로하고 난 나대로 할게
Anyway, you do you and I do me
Anyhow, you do you and I will do me.
요컨데 in short 너 너대로 하고 난 나대로 할게
_________, you do you and I will do me.
In short, you do you and I will do me.
넌 너 자신의 의견을 가질 권리가 있어
You have a right to hold your own opinion.
You have a right to your own opinion.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 You do you. 하고 싶은 대로 해.
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