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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.03.04.목 Don’t have a go at me. 나한테 뭐라고 하지 마. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 3. 4.

Today is Thursday, the 4th of March.
Everyone’s time is valuable. Poor time management skills can cause a lack of sleep, unhappiness, and even health complications such as stress. There are many ways of improving time management but why don’t you write your to-do list? I am saying write down things you’ve got to study today and stick to it. I’ll be there for you.

*go [명]시도;차례;비난
*have a go 비난을 하다

A: 이제 넌한테 코치gaffer가 있단다.
Now you have a coach.
Now you have the gaffer
나한테 뭐라고 하지마
Don’t have a go at me.
Don’t have a go at me.
너한테 할만큼 했단다
I have done as much as I should.
I have done enough for you.
B: 감사해요. 아빠. 말 잘 들을께요
Thanks dad. I will listen to you well.
Thank you. I will not act up.
*act up 말을 안 듣다. 버릇없이 굴다.
제대로 작동되지 않다

A: 너 정신 나갔구나
You’re out of your mind
You have lost the plot.
너 방금 내 영화를 비판했어
You’ve just criticised my film.
You just criticised my film.
B: 널 비난한 게 아니니깐, 예민하게 굴지 마
I’m not having a go at you, so don’t be sensitive.
I’m not having a go at you, so don’t be sensitive.

[Step by Step]
제발 다른 의견 때문에 저에게 뭐라고 하지말아주세요
Please don’t have a go at me because of another opinion.
Please don’t have a go at me because of differing opnion.

미안하지만 만약 너가 싫어한다면 나한테 뭐라고 하지마
I’m sorry if you dislike it, but don’t have a go at me.
Sorry if you don’t like it, but don’t have a go at me.

나한테 뭐라고 하지마.
Don’t have a go at me.
Don’t have a go at me.
우리가 게임에 진 게 너의 잘못이야
That’s your fault that we lost the game
It’s your fault we lost the game.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 이제 너한테 코치가 있어
Now you have the gaffer.
나한테 뭐라고 하지마
Don’t have a go at me.
널 행복하게 해줄려고 할 만큼 했어
I’ve gone enough to make you happy.
B: 고마워. 수업시간에 말 잘 들을게요
Thank you. I will not act up in class.

A: 정신 나갔구나 너.
You have lost the plot.
소수 시청자들만 내 영화를 비판했어
Only a few viewers criticised my film.
B: 널 비난하는 게 아니니깐, 속상해 하지마.
I’m not having a go at you, so don’t be upset

20.06.26.금 영국영어 You have lost the plot. 너 상황 파악이 안 되는구나.

You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Friday the 26 of June. How do you spend your Friday? ### better than going out, binge watch the latest shows, ### yourself, and ca..


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