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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.03.05.금 I threw caution to the wind. 난 과감하게 행동했어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 3. 5.

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Frida the 5th of March.
Well, today is 경칩, the day of wakening from hibernation.
As all living things begin to merge from their winter slumber.
What should we do?
I reckon warm weather boosts mood and broadens the mind.
The positive impact of warm sunny weather can have on mental health.
That means we can study harder and better.

내가 결단력있고 용감할 때,

** caution 경계심; 근심
** 직역; 나는 경계심을 바람에 던졌어 => 경계심이 바람을 타고 날라갔다 => 경계심이 없어져니깐, 어떤 일을 추진함에 있어서 잠재된 위협요소 따위는 신경쓰지 않고 대담한 행동을 취할 수 있다 => 과감하게 행동했(하)다

A: 난 과감하게
I threw caution to the wind
I threw caution to the wind
복권을 100장 넘게 샀다고
to buy more than 100 tickets of lottery.
and bought more than 100 lottery tickets.
B: 장난하는 거니, 친구야?
Mate, are you kidding?
Are you having a laugh, mate?
** have a laugh (말도 안되거나 믿을 수 없는 것을 들었을 때)

A: 그는 과감하게
He threw caution to the wind
He threw caution to the wind
최대한 빨리 예식장으로 운전해서 갔어.
and drove to the wedding venue as fast as possible.
and rode as fast as he could to the wedding hall.
B: 결국 그는 늦었고,
At the end of the day, he was late
Eventually, he was late
신부는 짜증을 냈지 miffed,
and the bride was annoyed.
and the bried was miffed.

[Step by Step]
난 과감하게 그것을 그 가게에서 가장 비싼 것을 샀어.
I threw caution to the wind and bought the most expensive one at the store.
I threw caution to the wind and bought the most expensive one at the store.

평소 조심성 있는 KJH는 과감하게
KJH who is usually careful threw caution to the wind
KJH who is usually cautious threw caution to the wind
바다에 수영하러 갔어.
and went swimming in the sea.
and went swimming to the ocean.

** ocean 해양 a very, large area of sea (대서양, 태평양)
** sea 규모 작은 바다(지중해, 흥해)

( ) 난 과감하게 행동하고 언성을 높였어.
I threw caution to the wind and raised my voice
I threw caution to the wind and raised my voice
(직장에서의 마지막 날이어서)
because it was the last day of my work.
because it was my last day at work.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 난 과감하게 너의 선물로 복권을 100장 넘게 샀어.
I threw caution to the wind and bought more than 100 lettery tickets for you as a gift
B: 야, 농담하니?
Hey, are you having a laugh?

A: 그는 과감하게 최대한 빨리 그곳으로 운전해 갔어.
He threw caution to the wind and rode as fast as he could to the place.
B: 결국에는 늦었고, 신부는 약간 짜증을 냈지.
Eventually he was late and the bride was a bit miffed.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학원 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I threw caution to the wind. 난 과감하게 행동했어.

