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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.04.29.목 There was a kerfuffle. 소동이 있었어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 4. 29.

Today is Thursday, the 29th of April.
Let’s learn a new expression today.
Learning a new thing can be scary but I am sure you can master this expression in a blink of an eye if you repeat after me.

kerfuffle 소동;소란
kerfuffle over
kerfuffle because
kerfeffle when
A: 난 그가 역대 최고 선수라고 생각해
I reckon he is the best play of all time.
He is just the GOAT, I reckon
B:근데 일부 사람들이 그것에 동의하지 않아서 소동이 있었잖아
There was a kerfuffle because some people didn’t agree with that.
There was a kerfuffle because some people didn’t agree with it.
*GOAT: Great Of All Time: 상대방을 칭찬할 때


21.05.20.목 He is the GOAT. 그는 최고야. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Today is Thursday, the 20th of May. 여러분 오늘도 청취해주셔서 감사합니다. 한 주 잘 보내고 계신가요? Well, off the great start? Did you make good progress so far in your journey or all projects? Wha..


A: 누가 마을의 이장이 되어야 할지 놓고 소동이 벌어졌어요
There was a kerfuffle over who should be the leader of the town.
There was a kerfuffle over who should be the head of the village.
B: 아~ 결국 거수표결 a show of hands로 결정되었지요.
Ah~ eventually it’s been decided.
In the end it was decided by a show of hands.

[Step by Step]
그가 자기 표를 찾을 수 없었기 때문에 소동이 좀 있었어
There was a bit of kerfuffle because he couldn’t find his ticket.

내가 도착한 직후에 그 입구에서 소동이 있었어
There was a kerfuffle at the door just right after I arrived
There was a kerfuffle at the door shortly after I arrived.

거기서 회의를 위한 의장을 뽑을 때 소동이 있었어
There was a kerfuffle when we elected the chairman for the meeting there.
There was a kerfuffle when choosing the chairperson for the meeting there.

토너먼트 첫날 선수들의 테스트 결과를 놓고 소동이 있었어
There was a kerfuffle on the first day of tournament over the results of athletes’ test.
There was a kerfuffle on day one of the tournament over the players’ test results.

[Speak like a Brit]
A: 난 그가 역대 최고 선수라고 믿어
He is just the GOAT, I believe
B: 그런데 일부 사람들이 그를 존중하지 않아서 소동이 있었잖아
There was a kerfuffle becase some people didn’t repsect him.

A: 누가 마을을 이끌지를 놓고 소동이 벌어졌어
There was a kerfuffle over who should lead the village.
B: 결국 그건 무기명 투표 secret ballot롤 결정됐어
In the end, it’s decided by a secrt ballot.


EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어There was a kerfuffle. 소동이 있었어.

