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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.05.17.월 I'm tied up with work. 나 일 때문에 바빠. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 5. 17.

Today is Monday, the 17th of May.
Well, today is Coming of Age Day or 성년의 날 in Korean.
On Coming of Age Day, people in South Korea most often exchange two gifts; Roses and perfume.
Well, congratulations to all of those who have become 19 years old.

** tied up 단단히 묶인; 무언가에 묶인 것처럼 꼼짝 못하게 바쁘다
** tied up with work 일 때문에 바쁘다; 일에 묶였다

A: 내일 출근해야 하는데
I have to go to work tomorrow
I need to go to work tomorrow
외발자전거가 제대로 작동 안해.
but my unicycle doesn't work properly.
but my unicycle is out of whack.
*whack (기계나 사물이) 제대로 작동하지 않는;
기분이 좋지 않거나 제정신이 아닌
out of whack; out of order; feeling slightly ill
좀 도와 줄래?
Can you please help me?
Could you give me a hand?
B: 미안해. 나 일 때문에 바빠.
Sorry, I'm tied up with work.

A: 나 주말 내내 일 때문에 바쁠 예정이야
I'm going to be tied up with work all weekend.
B: 너한테 데이트 신청도 안 했는데....
Even I haven't asked you out with me.
I didn't even ask you out.
* ask (someone) out: someone에게 데이트 신청하다

[Step by Step]
나는 7월까지 until July 일 때문에 바빠.
I'm tied up with work until July
I'm tied up with work unitl July


하지만 그 제안 offer은 고마워.

but I appreciate the proposal.

but thanks for the offer.

지금 저는 이 프로젝트 때문에 좀 kind of 바빠요
I'm a bit tied up with the project now.
I'm kind of tied up with the project at the moment.

그는 항상 공부 때문에 바빠서
He is tied up with his study all the time,
He is always tied up with studies,
어떤 사람들은 그를 독서광 bookworm이라고 불러
so some people call him a reading-freak.
so some people call him a bookworm.

지난 주에 일 때문에 바빴어
I was tied up with work last week
몇일 전에 너를 볼 수 있었으면 좋았을텐데.
If I had seen you a few days ago, it would have been good.
I wish I could have seen you a few days ago.

[Speak Like A Brit]
A: 내일 군청에 가야 하는데,
I need to go to the County office tomorrow
외발 자전거가 제대로 작동을 안 해
but my unicycle is out of whack.
좀 도와줄래?
Could you give me a hand?
B: 미안해. 나 일 때문에 바빠
Sorry, I'm tied up with work

A: 나는 나머지 저녁 시간에 일 때문에 바쁠 예정이야
I'm going to be tied up with work for the rest of evening
I'm going to be tied up with work for the rest of the evening.
B: 나는 너한테 그렇게 하라고 하지도 않았어
I didn't even ask you to do so
I didn't even ask you to do that.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I'm tied up with work. 나 일 때문에 바빠.


