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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.05.13.목 I've been there before. 나도 겪어 봤어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 5. 13.

Today is Thusday, the 13th of May.
여러분 오늘도 청취해주셔서 감사합니다.
한 주 잘 보내고 계신가요?
Happy Thursday!
Well, be kind to one another, say word of encourgement.
You never know who may need that more than anything today.
Listeners~ keep pushing, keep fighting and stay strong.

직역: 나도 전에 그곳에 가본 적이 있어
-> 그곳의 상황을 보고 느끼고 경험했음
-> 나도 겪어봤어

A: 약간 배고픈데, 먹고 싶지는 않아.
I'm a little bit hungry but don't want to eat.
I'm just bit peckish but don't want to eat.
*peckish: 약간 배고픈 (slightly hungry)
B: 나도 그런 적 있어. 당신 피곤해보인다. 그냥 쉬어
I've been there before. You look tired. Just take a rest.
I've been there before. You look tired. Have a rest.

A: 실패하는 것에 걱정하지 마세요 우리도 다 all 겪어봤습니다.
Don't worry about failure. We've been there before.
Don't worry about failing. We've all been there bofore.

B: 실패하면 모든 게 끝이에요.
Everything is over if I fail.
If I fail, it's all over.
저는 이 악물고 bite the bullet 해야돼요.
I've got to do my best.
I've got to bite the bullet.

bite the bullet 총알을 물다.
devote yourself to do something unpleasant or difficult
1)하기 싫은 일은 참고 견디다
2)이를 악물고 하다.
유래: 마취약이 없던 시절 부상을 당한 병사들이 총알을 입에 물고 수술의 통증을 참아낸 것

[Step by Step]
사실 나도 겪어봤어. 그러니깐 힘내고 웃어봐.
Actually, I've been there before. So cheer yourself up and smile.
Actually, I've been there before. So cheer up and smile.

나도 겪어본 거 같애. 확실치는 않은데,
I think I've been there before. I am not sure.
I am not sure but I think I've been there before.

나도 겪어봤어. 쉽지 않지만
I've been there before. It's not easy
I've been there before. It's not easy
너는 그게 사업의 일부분이라는 걸 이해해줘.
but you've got to understand that as part of business.
but you've got to understand it's part of business.

아직 나도 겪어봤다고 말할 수 없지만
I can't say yet that I've been there before
I can't say that I've been there before yet
평범한 것으로 만들려고 노력할거야
but I'm trying to make it something ordinary
but I'm going to try to make it something ordinary.

[Speak like a Brit]
A: I'm just a bit peckish and there's nothing to eat.
B: I've been there before. You look tired. Sleeping is the best medicine.

A: Don't worry so much about failing. We've all been there before.
B: If I fail, it's all over. I need to bite the bullet.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I've been there before. 나도 겪어 봤어.

