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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.05.24.월 I've seen worse. 더 심한 것도 봤어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 5. 24.

Today is Monday, the 24th of May.
It's that time again, Monday morning.
Weekend is over.
Saturday is officially not coming back.
Don't go back to sleep and do what you want to do today.
So, LISTENERS! don't go anywhere and study your favorite subject with me.

A: 정말 형편없는 연극이야.
It's really a terrible play.
What a terrible play!
극장가기 전에 좀 흥분했었는데
I was a bit excited before going to the theater
I was so psyched before going to the theatre
*psyched(기분이 좋아서) 흥분한;들뜬
(주로 기대했던 여행, 콘서트 등 다가오는 일에 대해 말할 때)
B: 아 그렇게 나쁘지는 않았어. 난 더 심한 것도 봤어
It was not so bad. I've seen worse

A: 나는 전에 더 안좋은 합의deal들도 봤어요.
I've seen worse settlements before
I've seen worse deals before.
가장 일반적으로 사용되는 수익배분profit rations은 회사 80% 갖고, 아티스트가 20%입니다.
The most common ratio is that a company takes 80% of the profit and an artist gets the rest of it.
The most commonly used profit ratios are 80% to the company and 20% to the artist.
B: 걱정할 필요없어요.
Don't worry about it.
You needn't worry.
당신은 80% 가져갑니다. 나는 20%가져갑니다.
You'll take 80% and I'll take 20.
You get 80%

[Step by Step]
사실 더 심한 것도 봤어. 그건 확실해
Actually, I've seen worse. It's for sure
In fact, I've seen worse. That's for sure

내 말은 I mean 이거 그렇게 나쁘지 않아. 더 심한 것도 봤어
What I mean is this is not that bad. I've seen worse.
I mean this is not that bad. I've seen worse.

이것보다 더 나쁜 경우를 본 적이 있으니
I've seen worse than this
I've seen worse cases than this
너의 소신 faith 굳게 지켜 stand firm
so keep you mindset on.
so stand firm in your faith

그녀는 더 파괴적인 이전의 폭풍에서 더 나쁜 상황을 본 적이 있어
She's seen worse situation in the previous storm which was more distructive.
She's seen worse conditions in previous storms which were more distructive

[Speak like a Brit]
A: 정말 형편없는 영화야.
What a terrible film!
극장 가기 전에는 엄청 흥분했었는데
I was so psyched before going to the theatre.
B: 나에게는 그렇게 나쁘지 않았어
It was not so bad for me.
나는 더 심한 것도 봤어
I've seen worse.

A: 나는 전에 더 안 좋은 계약들을 봤어요.
I've seen worse contracts before.
가장 일반적으로 사용되는 수익배분은 회사에 80% 아티스트에 20%죠
The most commonly used profit ratios are 80% to the company and 20% to the artist.
B: 걱정할 필요 없어요
You needn't worry
당신이 다 가져갈 거예요
You get all of them.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I've seen worse. 더 심한 것도 봤어.

