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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.05.20.목 He is the GOAT. 그는 최고야. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 5. 20.

Today is Thursday, the 20th of May.
여러분 오늘도 청취해주셔서 감사합니다.
한 주 잘 보내고 계신가요?
Well, off the great start?
Did you make good progress so far in your journey or all projects?
Whatever it is, I wish you the best luck. Break a leg!

Greatest Of All Time 사상 최고; 역대 최고

A: 그는 최고지. 그는 자기일에 전문가이고
He is the GOAT and an expert in his field.
He is the GOAT. He knows his stuff,
의자가 세 개 있고 강아지도 세마리나 있어
He has three chairs and three pets.
has three chairs and three dogs.
B: 솔직히 새로운 사람 만나는 거 관심없어
Frankly, I'm not interested in meeting a new person.
Honestly, I'm not interested in meeting new people.

A: 당신은 최고예요. 전적으로 지지해요
You are the GOAT. I'm fully supporting you.
You are the GOAT. I'm right behind you.

B: 지지해줘서 고마워요.
Thank you for your support.
실망시키지 않을께요
I'm not going to disappoint you.
I won't let you down.
** let down 낮게 하다
** let sbd down 기대를 낮게하다;저버리다=> 실망시키다

20.05.28.목 I won’t let you down. 널 실망시키지 않을게. [권주현의 진짜 영국 영어]

Thanks for tuning in to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어. Today is Thurday the 28th of May. Make sure that you’re spending enough quality time with yourself. Take a class or try out a new hobby. Listen to t..


[Step by Step]
내 생각에 그는 최고인데 너가 동의하지는 잘 모르겠어.
I think he is the GOAT but I am not sure if you agree with it.
I think he is the GOAT but I am not sure if you agree with me.

그는 최고의 농구 선수인데,
He is the GOAT of basketball
He is the GOAT of basketball
나이 30에 은퇴를 계획하고 있어
but is planning to retire in his 30.
but he is planning to retire at the age of 30.

많은 사람들이 BAFTA가 지명한 nominated 이 영화가 최고라고 해
Many people say this film, the BAFTA designated, is the GOAT
Many say this film nominated by the BAFTA is the GOAT.

여러가지 이유로 그 연기자는 영원히 최고로 알려질거야
The actor will be known as the GOAT forever for various reasons.
The actor will forever be known as the GOAT for various reasons.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: He is the GOAT. He knows his stuff
and has three bananas and three TV.
B: Honestly, I'm not interested in meeting investors.

20.08.03.월 She knows her stuff. 그녀는 자기 일에 전문가야. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Today is Monday, the 3rd of August. Some say it is hard to focus on Mondays. So, turn off your phone and make your study session again. Simplicity is the beauty of life. All you need to do is listen..


A: You're the GOAT. Of course, I'm right behind you
B: Thank you for your full support. I won't let you down.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 He is the GOAT. 그는 최고야.

