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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.05.26.수 That's a steal! 완전 거저네! 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 5. 26.

Today is Wednesday, the 26th of May.
Well, when you're learning a language, please please exaggerate!
For instance, use this word 'for the rest of my life'
'I'm dying for 진짜 죽겠네' 'It's killing me장난 아니야'

** steal: 훔치다, 싸게 사는 물건( a bargain)

A: 아하~ 완전 거져네, 너 이거 진짜 사야해
That's a steal! You've got to buy it.
That's a steal! You've got to go for it.
B: 너 상황파악 안되는구나.
You're not getting at the siuation
You have lost the plot.
난 돈을 흥청망청 쓰지 않을거야
I'm not going on a spending spree
I won't push the boat out
push the boat out 배를 밀어내다
해변에 있는 배를 함께 밀어 바다로 내볼낼 때,
힘을 모은 많은 사람들에게 술한잔씩 사준다
-> 술을 사주면서 잔치를 벌이다
-> 돈을 흥청망청 쓰다

A: 나 최신 잔디 깎는 기계 lawn mower 샀어.
I bought a latest mowing machine
I bought a brand-new lawn mower
50% 할인하더라고
It's half discount.
It was 50% off.
B: 아~ 진짜 완전 거저네, 근데 너 정원이 없잖아
Wow, that's a steal, but you don't have a garden.
Really? That's steal, but you haven't got a garden.

[Step by Step]
완전 거저인거 같애. 그냥 너한테 살께
I think that's a steal. I'll buy all of it from you.
I reckon that's a steal, so buy all of them from you.

그것은 가격 면에서는 분명히 완전 거져야.
That's definitely a steal in terms of price

사실 완전 거져야
In fact, that's a steal
In fact, it's a steal
이 바지는 원래가격보다 30% 싸게 샀어.
I bought this pants 30% off from the original price
I got this trousers 30% cheaper than the original price

이 군에서 다른 어떤 상점에서도 이 새시계를 못찾을겁니다.
You can't find this new watch at any other stores in this county
You won't find this new clock at any other shop in 군에서
완전 거저라고 말할 수 있지
I can say that's a steal.
I can say that's a steal.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 완전 거저네, 너 이거 당장 사야해
That's a steal. You've got to go for it right now.
B: 상황 파악이 안되는것 같구나
It looks like you have lost the plot.
난 돈을 흥청망청 쓰지 않을거야
I won't push the boat out.

20.06.26.금 영국영어 You have lost the plot. 너 상황 파악이 안 되는구나.

You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Friday the 26 of June. How do you spend your Friday? ### better than going out, binge watch the latest shows, ### yourself, and ca..


A: 나 최신 잔디깎는 기계 샀어. 반값하더라고
I bought a brand-new lawn mower.
It was half the price.
B: 완전 거져네, 그런데 너희 집에 전기 안들어오잖아
That's steal, but you haven't got electricity in the house.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 That's a steal! 완전 거저네!

