somewhat 어느 정도는
이 영화는 어느 정도는 저평가 되어있다
This film is underestimated somewhat.
This movie is somewhat underrated.
그는 어느 정도는 애매하게 대답했어
He replied somewhat vaguely.
He answered somewhat vaguely.
그의 주장들을 어느 정도는 과장되어 있다
His assertions are somewhat exaggerated.
His claims are somewhat exaggerated.
frustrated 낙심한(스스로의 감정에 집중)
serum 약물;해독제
develope 개발하다
ruthless 무자비한;잔혹한
Somebody who is ruthless doesn't care about other people.
They don't care about morals.
manageable 감당할 수 있는
killing spree 단기 연쇄살인
(*spree: 뭔가를 액티브하게 하는 것)
socially 사회적으로
corrupt 타락한
inject [목적어] with [명사] 목적어에게 명사를 주사하다
그 과학자는 동물에게 백신을 주사했다
The scientist injected the animal with the vaccine.
The scientist injected the animal with the vaccine.
당뇨를 가진 그 남자는 매일 인슐린을 스스로에 주사한다.
The man with diabetes injects himself with insulin every day.
The man with diabetes injects himself with insulin every day.
As time passes 시간이 지날수록
시간이 지날수록 당신의 몸은 스스로 치유할 것입니다.
As time passes, your body will heal yourself.
As time passes, your body is going to heal itself.
시간이 지날수록, 그들은 서서히 인내심을 잃어갔다
As time passes, they have lost their patience little by little
As time passes, they slowly became impatient.
take over 명사를 장악하다.
그 악당이 세상을 장악했다
The devil took over the world.
The villain took over the world.
우린 반드시 그들이 장악하지 못하게 막아야만 해.
We must prevent them from taking over.
We must stop them from taking over.
[Five Golden Sentences]
좌절을 느끼며 Jekyll은 그가 개발한 약물을 자신에게 사용하기로 결심한다.
Feeling frustrated, Jekyll decides to use the serum that he developed to himself.
Feeling frustrated, Jekyll decides to use the serum that he developed on himself.
약물을 주사하고 몇분있다가 ,그는 무자비한 괴물monster 하이드로 변한다.In a few minutes after he injects himself with the serum, he turns into a ruthless beast Hyde
A few mintutes after he injects himself with the serum, he turns into a ruthless monster Hyde.
처음에는 재킬의 악한 면이 어느 정도는 감당할 수 있다.
At first, Jekyll's bad side is somewhat manageable.
Initially, the evil side of Jekyll is somewhat manageable.
하지만 시간이 지날수록, 그건 그의 선한 면을 완전히 장악한다.
As time passes but it completely takes over his angel side.
As time passes, however, it completely takes over his good side.
하이드는 사회적으로 타락한 주위 사람들로부터 시작하여 연쇄살인에 들어간다.
Hyde begins a killing spree starting from his neighbors who are socially corrupt.
Hyde goes on a killing spree starting with people around him who are socially corrupt.
그들은 그 괴물에게 독을 주사했다
They injected the monster with a poison.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 뮤지컬 [Jekyll and Hyde] (2) He injects himself with the serum. 그는 자신에게 약물을 주사한다.