Today is Friday, the 9th of July.
Well, here are some tips finding ways to have fun while studying whatever the subject may be.
First of all, listen to good shows and why don’t you try role-play? and then turn it into a game with others.
** up in the air 공중에 떠 있는
==> 불확실한;미정인
** 상황: 아무것도 정해진 것이 없을 때
A: 뒷마당에 까페를 열었지만 모든 것이 불확실해
I opened a cafe at the backyard, but everything is up in the air.
I’ve opened a cafe in my backyard, but everything is up in the air.
B: 시간 낭비 좀 그만해. 정직함이 최선의 방책이잖아.
Don’t waste your time anymore. Honest is the best
Stop faffing around. Honest is the best policy.
A: 결혼식 어떻게 되어가?
How is your wedding preparation going on?
How is your wedding preparation going?
다음주가 결혼식이잖아
It’s just next week.
Next week is the big day.
*big day 중요한 날
B: 알아. 결혼식 장소가 아직 미정이야ㅐ
I know but the wedding venue is still up in the air.
I know but the wedding venue is still up in the air.
왜냐하면 장소선택에 대한 의견이 계속 엇갈리고 있어서야
because we have different opinions on choosing a wedding venue.
as we keep differing over our choices of locations
* differ over[on;about] ~대한 의견이 다르다.
[Step by Step]
채용면에서 모든 것이 불활실한 것 같아
I reckon everything is up in the air regarding recruitment
I reckon everything is up in the air in terms of recruitment.
내 말은 모든 것이 불확실했다는 거야
What I said is that everything was up in the air when I was in London.
I mean everything was up in the air when I was in London.
너의 생일 계획은 미정이야?
Are your birthday plans up in the air?
Are your birthday plans up in the air?
난 기대하고 있어
I’m looking forward to it.
I’m looking forward to it.
그 결정은 아직도 정해진 게 없어
The decision is still up in the air.
The decision is still up in the air.
많은 사람들이 그 결정은 아직도 정해진 게 없다고 말해
Many people say the decision is still up in the air.
_______________ the decision is still up in the air
[Speak like a Brit]
A: 뒷마당에 신발 가게를 열었지만, 모든 게 불확실해
I’ve opened a open shoe shop at my back yard.
But everything is up in the air.
B: 넌 시간낭비를 그만할 필요가 있어.
You need to stop faffing around.
정직함이 최선의 방책이야
Honest is the best policy.
A: 발표 준비 어떻게 되어가?
How is your presentation going?
다음 주가 중요한 날이잖아
Next week is the big day.
B:알아. 하지만 주주들이 장소 선택에 대한 의견이 엇갈리고 있어서 장소가 아직 미정이야
I know but the venue is still up in the air as the shareholders keep differing over the choices of locations.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Everything is up in the air. 모든 것이 불확실해.
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