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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.07.07.수 I pulled an all-nighter. 나 밤새 일했어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 7. 7.

Today is Wednesday, the 7th of July.
Well, Today is 소서, the day of minor or less heat.
And it marks a true beginning of summer.
So here we are to embrace a hot summer.
Don't lay back and listen to the show and enjoy the weather.
Then, you have an absolutely fabulous summer with me.

* nighter 밤샘 공부; 밤샘 일
* pull an all-nighter 밤새 깨어있는 상태를 유지
* I pulled an all-nighter. 나 밤새 일했어
* stay up all night (그냥) 밤새다

A: 나는 시험 공부를 위해 밤 새웠다.
I pulled an all-nighter for the exam.
I pulled an all-nighter to study for the exam.
B: 그런데 지난 밤 너 교실 근처near에서 서성거리고 있었잖아
But you were wandering around the classroom last night.
But you were milling around near the classroom last night.
* mill 방앗간;제분소;가루를 갈다
* mill around 서성이다;배회하다
(목적이 없거나 특정한 방향이 없는 움직임을 표현)

A: 난 밤새 일했는데, 아직 안 피곤해.
I pulled an all-nighter but I'm not knackered yet.
I pulled an all-nighter and I'm not knackered yet.
B: 그 정도면 됐어. 너 지금 코피 나.
That's enough. You're nose-bleeding now
That's close enough. Your nose is bleeding now.

[Step by Step]
나는 제때 발표를 끝내기 위해 밤새 일했어
I pulled an all-nighter to finish my presentation on time.
I pulled an all-nighter to finish a presentation on time.

너는 과학 시험을 위해 밤을 새워야 해
You have to pull an all-nighter for a science exam
You've got to pull an all-nighter for your science exam.

경찰은 범죄 현장에서 일하느라 그냥 밤을 새웠어
The police just pulled an all-nighter at a crime site.
The police just pulled an all-nighter at a crime scene.

내 생각에는 우리가 갈 길이 멀어서밤 밤을 새워야 할 것 같애
I reckon we would have to pull an all-nighter since we have a long way to go .
I reckon we might have to pull an all-nighter _________________________________ .

[Speak Like A Brit]
A: 나는 기말 시험 공부를 위해 밤을 새웠어
I pulled an all-nighter to study for the finals.
B: 그런데 너 아침에 교실 근처에서 서성거리고 있었잖아
But you were milling around near the classroom in the morning

A: 난 밤새 일했는데, 아직 안 졸려
I pulled an all-nighter and I am not sleepy yet.
B: 그 정도면 됐다고 난 확신해. 너 지금 코피 나
I am pretty sure that's close enough. Your nose's bleeding.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I pulled an all-nighter 나 밤새 일했어

