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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.07.06.화 Keep a lid on it. 비밀로 해 줘. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 7. 6.

Today is Tueday, the 6th of July.
Dali Lamah said when you said, you’re only repeating what you already know.
But if you listen, you may learn something new.
So listeners! Listen to the show, repeat after me, you can rocket it.

직역: 그것 위에 뚜껑을 유지해라
뚜껑을 닫은 상태로 두면 내부가 보이지 않으므로
비밀로 유지하라 ->비밀로 해줘

A: 제발 비밀로 해줘.
Please keep a lid on it.
Please keep a lid on it.
엄마한테 내가 운동했다고 말하지 말아줘
Don’t tell your mom my workout.
Don’t tell your mom that I’ve worked out.
B: 소문 안 퍼뜨릴께
I’m not going to spread the rumour.
I won’t spill the tea.

20.09.04.금 Don't spill the tea. 비밀을 누설하지 마. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Friday the 4th of September. Some said thy have no motivation to study on Fridays. Well, you need to give yourself a break at leas..


A: 축하해 축하해 너 임신 중이구나
Congratulation! You’re pregnant.
Congratulations! You’re in the family way.
B: 고마워. 그런데 부모님께 비밀로 해줘.
Thanks but keep a lid on it to my parents
Cheers but keep a lid on the news.
아직 부모님께 말씀 안 드렸어. 깜짝 선물이 될 거야
I haven’t told my parents yet. It’s gonna be a surprise.
We haven’t told my parents yet. It’s going to be a surprise present
임신 중이다
have a bun in the oven;
in the family way; in a family way.

[Step by Step]
제발 부탁이야! 당분간 for now은 비밀로 해줘
Please keep a lid on it for a while
I beg you Keep a lid on it for now

그녀는 그 사건을 비밀로 하려고 했는데
She tried to keep a lid on the incident
She tried to keep a lid on the incident
쪽지를 남기고 사라졌어
but disappeared, leaving a memo
but left a note and disappeared.

우리는 그 계약을 비밀로 할 필요가 있어
We need to keep a lid on the contract
We need to keep a lid on the contract
아무도 주주총회를 방해할 수 없도록
so that no one can interrupt the stockholders’ meeting.
so that no one can interrupt the shareholders’ meeting.

나는 집에 있는 동안 내 비밀을 지키위해 최선을 다할거야
I’ll do my best to keep a lid on my secret while I am home
I’m going to try my best to keep a lid on my secret while _____

[Speak like a Brit]
A: 제발 비밀로 해줘.
Please keep a lid on it
그녀한테 내가 근육이 있다고 말하지 말아줘
Don’t tell her that I have muscles
B: 나는 소문을 낼거야
I’m going to spill the tea.

A: 축하해. 임신 중이구나. 그렇지?
Congratulations! You’re in the family way, aren’t you?
B: 고마워 그런데 부모님께 이 소식 비밀로 해 줘
Cheers, but please keep a lid on this news.
아직 부모님께 말씀 안 드렸어.
We haven’t told our parents yet.
모두에게 깜짝 파티가 될거야
It’s going to be a surprise party for all of us.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Keep a lid on it. 비밀로 해 줘.

