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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.07.05.월 I was in a quandary. 어찌 할 바를 모르겠더라고. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 7. 5.

Today is Monday, the 5th of July.
I don't know the exact reason that I feel exhausted every single Monday.
I am always knackered on Mondays.
So I try to avoid making mistakes.
That might be the reason that I work harder, study harder, and do my best.

quandary 곤경;진퇴양난;당혹
in a quandary 곤경에 처한;혼란스러운
(자신이 관련된 상황에서 무엇을 해야할지 결정할 수 없을 때)

A: 어느 결혼에 참석해야할지 어찌할 바를 모르겠더라고.
Which wedding ceremony I should attend? I was in a quandary
I was in a quandary about which wedding to attend.
B: 그래서 넌 맛난 음식을 제공하는 데로 갔잖아.
That's why you went to the ceremony where some delicious foods are provided
So, you went to the one that served amazing foods.

A: 난 그말을 들었을 때 어찌할 바를 모르겠더라고.
I was in a quandary when I heard it.
I was in a quandary when I was told that.
B: 회사에서 우리한테 돈을 청구charge한데.
The company asks us for money,
The company charges us money.
그건 날강도지
which is a robbery.
That is daylight robbery.

*daylight robbery 어떤 것에 대한 대금이나 댓가를 터무니없이 많이 청구할 때
(미국식 highway robbery)

[Step by Step]
사실 지난 밤에 어찌할 바를 모르겠더라고.
In fact, I was in a quandary last night.
In fact, I was in a quandary last night.

그는 자기가 공부하지 않았던 시험에 대해 어찌할바를 모르더라고
He was in a quandary about his test that he hasn't studied on
He was in a quandary about his test that he didn't studied for

마을village에 있는 모든 사람들이 그것에 대해 어찌할 바를 모르더라고
Everyone in the town was in a quandary about that
Everyone in the village was in a quandary about that

정말 어찌할 바를 모르겠어
I'm really in a quandary
I'm really in a quandary
나는 두곳에서 일자리 제안을 받았는데, 정말 어찌할 바를 모르겠어
Since I got two job offers, I'm really in a quandary.
I had two ___________ and I am really in a quandary.

[Speak Like A Brit]
A: 어느 회의conference에 참석해야할지 어찌할 바를 모르겠더라고
I was in a quandary about which conference to attend.
B: 그래서 넌 더 중요한 데로 갔잖아
So, you went to the one that was more important.

A: 난 그 소문을 들었을 때, 어찌할 바를 모르겠더라고
I was in a quandary when I was told that rumour.
B: 회사에서 우리한테 아무 이유없이 돈을 청구한데
The company charges us money for no reason.
그건 날 강도지
That's daylight robbery

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I was in a quandary. 어찌 할 바를 모르겠더라고.

