be in attendance 참석해 있다 (와 있다)
그의 수천명의 추종자들이 참석한 상태였다
Thousands of his followers were in attendance.
Thousands of his followers were in attendacne.
황회장님이 참석한 상태일 것입니다.
President Hwang would be in attendance.
President Hwang will be in attendance.
많은 유명인들이 참석한 상태였다
Many celebrities were in attendance.
A number of celebrities were in attendance.
technology 기술
take a week off 한 주를 빼다
take two weeks off 2주를 빼다
take a day off 하루를 휴가 내다
vacation 휴가
miss 놓치다
huge 엄청 큰 <-> tiny
potential 잠재적인;잠재력
cancel 취소하다
reservation 예약
accompany [목적어] to [명사] 목적어와 명사에 동행하다
*accompany 같이 있음 keep me accompany
내 매니저가 나와 그 시상식에 동행했어
My manager accompanied me to the awarding ceremony.
My manager accompanied me to the award ceremony.
니가 그녀와 경찰서로 동행할 수 있니?
Can you accompany her to the police station?
Can you accompany her to the police station?
hundreds of [복수명사] 수백의 [복수명사]들
수백개의 퍼즐들이 당신을 기다리고 있습니다.
Hundreds of puzzles are waiting for you.
Hundreds of puzzles are waiting for you.
수천명의 난민들이 배고픔으로 죽었습니다.
Thousands of refugees died of starvation.
Thousands of refugees died of hunger.
from all over the world 전세계에서 오는
그들은 전세계에서 오는 팬들이 있어.
They have fans from all over the world.
They have fans from all over the world.
그 교실은 전세계에서 온 학생들로 꽉 찼어
The classroom is full of students from all over the world.
The classroom was packed with students from all over the worl.d
[Five Golden Sentences]
S: 마유, 8월 세번째주 테크놀로지 엑스포에 나랑 동행 좀 해줘야겠어.
Mayu, I need you to accompany me to the Technology Expo on the third week of August.
Mayu, I need you to acoompany me to the Technology Expo in the third week of August.
(“I need you to” = “I want you to”의 완화된 표현)
M: 제가 휴가 때문에 그 주에 쉬는 거 아시죠?
Do you know that I’m taking the week off for a vacation?
You know that I’m taking that week off for a vacation, right?
S: 알기는 하지만 우린 그럼 엄청난 행사를 놓칠 여유가 안되네
I understand but we can’t afford to miss such a huge event.
I understand that but we can’t afford to miss such a huge event.
전세계에서 오는 수백명의 잠재고객들이 참석해 있을 거야.
Hundreds of potential clients from all over the world will be in attendance.
Hundreds of potential clients from all over the world will be in attendance.
M: 아 알겠습니다. 바로 예약한 것들은 취소하겠습니다.
I see. I will cancel my reservations right away.
Okay. I will go ahead and cancel my reservations.
*go ahead; 즉시 진행하겠다.
당신이 그와 법원에 동행할 수 있나요?
Can you accompany him to the court?
2021 EBS 이지 라이팅
21.07.13.화 Easy Writing 비지니스 채팅: 휴가 취소 We can't afford to miss this event.