walk [목적어] down the aisle [목적어]와 함께 버진로드를 걸어주다.
*down the aisle 통로를 따라
나의 아버지가 나와 함께 버진로드를 걸어줬어
My father walked me down the aisle.
My fatehr walked me down the aisle.
그녀의 삼촌이 그녀와 함께 버진로드를 걸어줬어
Her uncle walked her down the aisle.
Her uncle walked her down the aisle.
누가 그녀와 함께 버진로드를 걸어줄건가요?
Who is going to walk her down the aisle?
Who is going to walk her down the aisle?
prepare 준비하다
fiance 약혼자 (fiancee 약혼녀)
aisle 통로, diary 일기장
biological father 생부
invite 초대하다
have no idea 전혀 모르다
shocked 충격을 받은 (주로 부정적)
marry [목적어]와 결혼하다
난 겁쟁이와 결혼했어
I married coward.
I married coward.
그녀는 유명한 작곡가와 결혼했어
She married a famous composer.
She married a famous songwriter.
*get married 목적어가 없음
(We got married 5 years ago.)
find out that [평서문]이라는 것을 알아내다
세리나는 마유가 초능력이 있다는 것을 알아냈어
Serina found out that Mayu has superpowers.
Serina found out htat Mayu has supernatural powers.
그가 우리가 자기를 험담한 걸 어떻게 알아냈지?
How did he find out that we talked something bad about him?
How did he find out that we talked behind his back?
*험담하다 talk behind one's back.
at once 동시에;한번에
모든 것을 한 번에 다루려고 try to 하지마
Don't handle everything at once.
Don't try to handle everything at once.
세리나는 동시에 여러가지 일을 할 수 있어
Serina can do several things at once.
Serina can do multiple things at once.
[Five Golden Sentences]
젊은 소피는 약혼자 스카이와의 결혼식을 준비 중이다
Young Sophie is preparing to marry her finance Sky.
Young Sophie is preparing to marry her finance Sky.
그녀는 한번 도 만나본 적 없는 아빠가 자신과 함께 버진 로드를 걸어주길 원하고 있다
She wants her father, who she has never met, to walk her down the aisle.
She wants her father, whom she has never met, to walk her down the aisle.
그녀는 어머니의 일기장에 나오는 세 남자 중 어느 한 명이 자신의 생부일 수도 있다는 걸 알아낸다.
She finds out that one of the three men in her mother's diary could be her biological father.
She finds out that any one of three men in her mother's diary could be her biological father.
소피는 ( ) 세명 모두를 자신의 결혼식에 초대한다
Sophie invites all of the three to her wedding ceremony
Sophie invites all three to her wedding
(어머니 Donna에게 말하지 않고,)
without telling her mother Donna.
without telling her mother Donna.
그들이 오는 걸 전혀 모르던 Donna는
Donna, who never knows that they're coming, is shocked to see all of them at once.
Donna, who had no idea they are coming,
동시에 세 남자를 보게 되어 충격을 받는다.
is shocked to see all of them at once.
is shocked to see them all at once.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing [뮤지컬: Mamma Mia] 1 Sophie wants to find her real father.