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21.07.16.금 Easy Writing 뮤지컬: Mamma Mia 맘마미아 - My Mother has changed.

by Namaskara 2022. 7. 16.

aren't you?/Isn't [주어]? 주어는 그렇지 않나요?
너 여전히 배고프지, 그렇지 않아?
You're still hungry, aren't you?
You're still hungry, aren't you?
세리나는 니 친구지. 그렇지 않아?
Serina is your friend, isn't she?
Serina is your friend, isn't she?
너는 나한테 화나있는 거 아니지, 그렇지?
You aren't angry with me, are you?
You aren't mad at me, are you?
never 절대로 아닌
things 이것저것; 두루두루 몇개
How are things?
I'm gonna get my things.
change 바뀌다
invite 초대하다
invite 초대
look 있잖아 (뭔가 집중)
reply 답신하다
long shot 승산없는 시도
you guys 여러분;너희들
Are you saying [평서문] 이라는 건가요?
너는 내가 뚱뚱하다는 거야?
Are you saying that I'm fat?
Are you saying I'm fat?
당신은 나보다 더 어리다고 얘기하는 거예요?
Are you saying you're younger than me?
Are you saying you're younger than me?

20.04.20.월 Are you saying that ~? ~라는 말인가요? 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Monday the 20th of April. Well, Monday is here again. Wow, this, of course, means weekend is over. It also means a week of unlimited potenti..


years ago 수년 전에
마유는 그 개를 수년 전에 입양했어.
Mayu adopted the dog years ago.
Mayu adopted the dog years ago.
나는 수년 전에 라스베가스를 갔어
I went to Las Vegas years ago.
I went to Las Vegas years ago.

not sure if/whether [평서문]인지 확신이 없는
나는 세리나가 여전히 마유마트에서 일하는지 확신이 없어
I'm not sure if Serina is still working at Mayu mart.
I'm not sure if Serina still works at the Mayu mart.
우린 이 계획이 효과가 있을지 확신이 없어요
We are not sure if the plan will work.
We are not sure if this plan will work.
[Serina's ad-lib] but we're going ahead with it.

[Five Golden Sentences]

샘 Sam
잠깐 니가 우리를 초대한 걸 도나가 모른다는 거니? 오~ 소피
Wait, are you saying Donna doesn't know that you invite us? oh, Sophie
Wait, are you saying Donna doesn't know that you invite us? oh, Sophie

샘 Sam
내가 니 엄마를 마지막으로 봤을 때,
The last I saw your mom,
The last time I saw your mom,
그녀는 날 절대 다시는 보고싶지 않다고 했어
she said she never wanted to see me again
she said she never wanted to see me again.

하지만 그건 수년 전 일이잖아
But it was years ago.
But that was years ago

모든 게 바꿨어요
Things have changed.
Things have changed.
우리 어머니도 바뀌었다구요
My mom has changed.
My mother has changed.
있잖아요. 아저씨들께 초대장을 보냈을 때, 답신이라도 하실지 확신이 없었어요
Look, when I sent you guys invites, I was not sure if you guys even replied.
Look, when I sent you the invites, I wan not sure if you did even reply.

승산없는 시도였지만, 지금 모두 여기 계시잖아요. 그렇지 않아요?
That was a long shot, but all of you guys are now here, aren't you?
It was a long shot, but now you guys are all here, aren't you?

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 Easy Writing 뮤지컬: Mamma Mia 맘마미아 - My Mother has changed.

