Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Monday the 20th of April.
Well, Monday is here again.
Wow, this, of course, means weekend is over.
It also means a week of unlimited potential lies ahead.
Let me give you an idea that will help you a happy, productive, and meaningful week.
Get the most out of every day, which means enjoy life every day.
Listen posh accent and speak out loud with me.
Brilliant, isn’t it?

** 직역: 당신은 ~을 말하는 중인가요? => ~라는 말인가요?
** 상황: 상대방이 하는 말의 요점을 분명히 하고 싶을 때
** Are you trying to say that~? (답답한 마음을 담아서) 좀 더 공격적인 표현
A: 걔가 그녀에게 홀딱 반한 것 같아
He seems to have a crush on her.
I think he a has crush on her.
B: 뭐라고? 걔한데 또 새 여자친구가 생겼다는 말이야?
What? Are you saying that he has a new girlfriend?
What? Are you saying that he has a new girlfriend?
** have a crush on [someone]에게 홀딱 빠지다.
a way to express a strong affection for someone
A: 제주도는 인기있는 휴양지입니다.
Jeju island is a popular vacation spot.
Jeju island is a popular vacation spot.
B: 그래서 제주도 여행 가고 싶다는 말인가요?
So, are you saying that you want to take a trip to Jeju island?
So, are you saying that you want to take a trip to Jeju island?
[문장 완성 응용게임]
내가 나에 비해 늙어보인다는 말인가요?
Are you saying that I look older for my age?
Are you saying that I look older for my age?
당신은 지금 이 문제를 해결할 수 없다는 말인가요?
Are you saying that you can’t solve this problem now
Are you saying that you can’t solve this problem now
제가 돈이 없어서,
because I have no money?
because i have no money?
내가 더 이상 너의 친구가 아니라는 말이야?
Are you saying that I’m not your friend any longer
Are you saying that I’m not your friend anymore
내가 너를 믿지 않기 때문에,
because I don’t trust you?
because I don’t believe you?
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 걔가 그녀한테 홀딱 반한 게 분명해
It’s obvious he has a crush on her.
B: 그러니깐, 뭐라고? 모두가 그걸 안다는 말이야?
So, what? Are you saying that everyone knows about it?
A: 제주도는 인기있는 관광지입니다.
Jeju island is a popular tourist destination.
B: 제주도에서 여가시간을 즐기고 싶다는 말인가요?
Are you saying that you want to enjoy your leisure time in Jeju island?
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Are you saying that ~? ~라는 말인가요?
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20.04.21.화 I'll take that as a compliment. 그 말 칭찬으로 받아들일게요. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.04.21 |
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20.04.15.수 I ache all over. 나 몸살 났어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.04.15 |