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2021 EBS 이지 라이팅

21.07.15.목 Easy Writing 뮤지컬 Mamma Mia (2) Sky misunderstands his fiancé

by Namaskara 2022. 7. 15.

have an argument with [목적어] 말싸움하다.
난 우리 부모님과 말싸움을 했어
I had an argument with my parents.
I had an argument with my parents.
너의 고집스런 상사와 말씀하려고 하지 마
Don’t try to have an argument with your stubborn boss.
Don’t try to have an argument with your stubborn boss.
그들은 그들의 고용주와 말싸움을 했어
They had an argument with their employer.
They had an argument with their employer.

real father 친아버지
among ~중에, ~ 사이에
reminisce 추억에 잠기다
good old days 좋았던 옛 시절
relationship 관계
care 상관하다;마음을 쓰다
care about ~ 에 대해서 마음을 쓰다
discover발견하다;알아내다 find out
discover 는 좀더 adventure 한 느낌
hurt 상처받음 (육체;마음)
I’m hurt
figure out 알아내다
figure out (머리써서 곰곰히 생각해서)알아내다
I’m figuring out this problem(수학문제)
난 그녀의 패스워드를 알아내려고 했어
I tried to figure out her password.
I tried to figure out her password.
내가 어떻게 그걸 알아낼 수 있지?
How can I figure it out?
How am I supposed to figure it out?
[2021.06.08.Tue] 영국영어 I’ll figure it out. 내가 해결할께

[2021.06.08.Tue] 영국영어 I’ll figure it out. 내가 해결할께

Today is Tuesday, the 8th of June. An American business man, John Rockefeller, said the secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well. Do it uncommonly well whatever it is, listeners...


though [평서문], [평소문]이지만
세리나는 마유를 놀리는 것을 좋아지만, 그런데도 그녀는 그에게 마음을 쓴다.
Though Serina likes teasing Mayu, she still cares about him.
Though Serina likes teasing Mayu, she still cares about him.
그들이 더이상 우리와 없지만, 그들은 항상 우리의 마음 안에 있을 것 입니다.
Though they are not with us, they will be in our heart forever.
Though they are no longer with us, they will always be in our hearts.

end on a bad note [관계 등이] 나쁘게 끝나다.
end on a good note 좋게 끝나다.
케빈과 제인 사이의 관계는 나쁘게 끝났다.
The relationship between Kevin and Jane ended on a bad note.
The relationship between Kevin and Jane ended on a bad note.
그들의 관계는 좋게 끝났다
Their relationship ended on a good note.
Their relationship ended on a good note.

[Five Golden Sentences]
소피는 세 명의 남자 샘 해리 빌 중에 누가 자신의 친아버지인지 알아내려고 한다.
Sophie tries to figure out who her real father is among the three men: Sam, Harry, and Bill.
Sophie tries to figure out who her eral father is among the three men: Sam, Harry, and Bill.

소피와의 말싸움 후 도나는 샘과 마주 앉아, 함께 한 좋았던 옛시절에 대한 추억을 얘기한다.
After having an argument with Sophie, Donna sits down with Sam, and they reminisce their good old days together.
After having an argument with Sophie, Donna sits down with Sam, and they reminisce about their good old days together.
*sit down with [someone]; ~와 앉아서 얘기하다
[2021.02.22.Mon][Easy Writing]I have been told this by Serina

[2021.02.22.Mon][Easy Writing]I have been told this by Serina

sit down with [N/someone]: [N/someone]와 만나서 얘기하다 I sat down with MAYU to talk about the program. I sat down with my boss to discuss the probability possibility of my promotion I am going to..


그들의 관계는 안 좋게 끝났지만, 도나는 샘에게 가장 많이 the most 마음을 쓰는 것 같아 보인다.
Though their relationship ended on a bad note, Donna seems to care about Sam most.
Though their relationship ended on a bad note, Donna seems to care about Sam the most.

스카이는 소피가 잠재적 아버지들을 초대한 사실을 알아내고, 상처를 받는다
When Sky discovers that Sophie invites the potential fathers, he is hurt.
When Sky discovers that Sophie invited the potential fathers, he gets hurt.

그는 소피가 단지 누가 자기 아버지인지 알아내기 위해 결혼식을 이용한다고 생각한다.
He thinks she is just trying to take advantage of their wedding to find out who her real father is
He thinks she is just trying to use their wedding to find out who her real father is.

EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr
Easy Writing 이지 라이팅
Mamma Mia - Sky misunderstands his fiancée Sophi
맘마미아; 스카이는 그의 약혼녀 소피를 오해한다.

