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21.07.19.월 Easy Writing 소셜미디어; 기타 천재 소녀에게 You play guitar better than I do.

by Namaskara 2022. 7. 19.

a countless number of [명사] 셀수없을 정도로 많은 [명사]
나는 셀수 없을 정도로 많은 공포영화들을 봐왔어
I’ve watched a countless number of horrific movies
I’ve seen a countless number of horror movies.
저희는 셀 수 없을정도로 많은 법률사건을 다뤄온 상태입니다.
We’ve handled a countless number of legal cases.
We’ve hnadled a countless number of legal cases
셀 수 없을 정도로 많은 방법들이 있습니다. 그리고 집을 짓는데
There are a countless number of ways to build a house.
There are a countless number of ways to build a house.
haevy metal 헤비메탈
cover 다른 사람 노래
hurt 아프게 하다
play 연주하다
mind 신경을 쓰다
dislike 싫어하다
(don’t like 보다 포멀한 느낌)
hater 남을 비방만 하는 사람
by far 단연코
오늘은 단연코 내 인생 최고의 날이야
Today is by far the best in my life.
Today is by far the best day of my life.
이지 라이팅은 단연코 가장 도움이 되는 프로그램이야
Easy Writing is by far the most helpful program.
Easy Writing is by far the most helpful program.

kind of 좀;약간
니가 내 하루를 좀 망쳤어
You kind of spoiled my day.
You kind of ruined my day.
우리 누나 있잖아, 좀 짜증나
My sister kind of irriates me.
My sister is kind of annoying.

just out of curiosity 그냥 궁금해서 그러는데요
그냥 궁금해서 그러는데요. 드레스코드가 있나요?
Just out of curiosity, is there any dress code?
Just out of curiosity, is there a dress code?
그냥 궁금해서 그러는데, 그녀가 나에 대해서 얘기하니?
Just out of curiosity, does she talk about me?
Just out of curiosity, does she ever talk about me?

[Five Golden Sentences]

셀 수 없을 정도로 많은 헤비메탈 커버 영상을 봐왔지만,
I’ve seen a countless number of heavy metal covers,
I’ve seen a countless number of heavy metal covers,
학생은 단연코 최고예요.
but you are by far the best.
but you are by far the best.

13살 소녀가 나보다 연주를 잘 한다는 걸 알게 되어 마음이 아프네요
It hurts me to know that a 13-year-old girl plays better than I do
It kinds of hurts me to know that a 13-year-old girl plays better than I do

학생의 영상을 싫어하는 사람들은 신경쓰지 마세요
Don’t care those who dislike your videos.
Don’t mind those who disliked your videos.
악플러들은 뭘 해도 악플러일테니깐요.
Haters are haters
Haters will be haters.

그냥 궁금해서 그러는데, 그렇게 연주하는 법은 어디서 배웠어요?
Just out of curiosity, where did you learn how to play like that?
Just out of curiosity, where did you learn how to play like that?

내게 학생같은 역량을 가진 딸이 있다면, 난 정말 자랑스러울거예요.
If I had a daughter like you with a great caliber, I would be extremely proud.
If I had a daughter of your caliber, I would be exremely proud.

