Today is Wendesday, the 14th of July.
All of you already have made many great achievements. That is alrealy proved good enough. You can achieve whatever you want in life using the same principles. So you have another great achievement today after studying with me, learning one new expression.
** 직역: 난 울타리에 위에 있다
** 의역: 결정을 보류한 채 애매한 태도를 취하다
** be on the fence=sit on the fence
A: 그래서 등대지기로 되기 위해 샌프란시스코만에 갈꺼니?
So, are you going to San Francisco to become a lighthouse keeper?
So, are you going to San Francisco Bay to be a lighthouse keeper?
B: 아직 결정 못했어. 나 갑갑해서 미쳐버릴지도 몰라
I’m on the fence. I will be crazy.
I’m on the fence. I might go stir-crazy.
* stir (명)교도소
* stir-crazy 갑갑해서 제정신이 아닌
A: 그들은 애매한 태도를 멈추고 우리에게 사실을 말해줘야 해
They have to stop sitting on the fence and tell us the fact.
They should stop sitting on the fence and tell us the truth.
B: 맞아. 우리는 그것에 대한 정보가 너무 없어.
Right, we hardly have information about it.
Indeed, we haven’t too much information on that.
[Step by Step]
솔직히 말하면, 난 이거 아직 결정 못했어
To be honest, I’m still on the fence for this.
Frankly speaking, I’m on the fence for this.
그는 심하게 파손된 차를 사는 것에 대해 아직 결정 못했어
He is on the fence on buying a heavily damaged car.
He is on the fence about buying a car that has been badly damaged.
소비자들이 아직 결정 못한 건 사실이니
It’s true that consumers are on the fence,
It’s true that consumers are on the fence,
우리가 주도권을 잡기만 하면 돼 all [S] need to do is.
so we only need to take an initiative.
so all we need to do is take the initiative.
사실 그는 여전히 결정 못 하고 있어
In fact, he is still on the fence regarding recruitment.
In fact, he is still sitting on the fence _______ to recruiment
[Speak like a Brit]
A: 그래서 너 교통안전 전문가가 되기 위해 샌프란시스코 만에 가기로 한 거야?
So, are you going to San Francisco Bay to be a transportation security specialist?
B: 아직 결정 못했어. 나 갑갑해서 미쳐버릴 수도 있어
I’m on the fence. I could go stir-crazy.
A: 그들은 애매한 태도를 멈추고 스스로 결정을 내려야 해
They should stop sitting on the fence and make a decision by themselves.
B: 맞아, 우리는 그것에 대한 정보가 너무 없는 것 같애
Indeed, it seems that we haven’t much information on it.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I’m on the fence. 아직 결정 못 했어.