Today is Tuesday, the 20th of July.
Have you come across a black cat today?
Well, the superstitions around black cats vary from country to country.
Black cats are belived to be bad lucks in some countries.
However in the United Kingdom, if a black cat walks towards you, it’s thought to bring gook luck.
Today, look around if there is a black cat.
Anyway, you have a lucky day.

** That’s no word of a lie 에서 회화에서 “That’s”의 생략.
A: 나는 공중부양 levitation 능력을 가지고 있단다.
I have an ability to get floated. No word of a lie.
I have levitation powers. No world of a life.
비밀을 누설하지마.
Don’t spill the tea, though
20.09.04.금 영국영어 Don't spill the tea. 비밀을 누설하지 마.
You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Friday the 4th of September. Some said thy have no motivation to study on Fridays. Well, you need to give yourself a break at leas..
B: 저 소름 돋았어요. 그 얘기는 한마디는 입밖에 내지 않을께요
I’m thrilled. I’m not gonna say any single word out.
I got goosebumps. I won’t breathe a word of it.
*breathe a word (비밀을) 입 밖에 내다
*goosepimple; gooseflesh 소름
A: 모두들 주간 몸무게 검사 준비되었나요?Is everybody ready for the weekly weight check?
Everybody! Ready for the weekly weight check?
B: 저 이 틀동안 굶었어요. 진짜라구요.
I haven’t eaten anything for two days. No word of a lie.
I haven’t eaten for two days. No world of a lie.
[Step by Step]
이거 진짜야.
That’s no word of a lie.
That’s no word of a lie
나를 믿어줘 이거 진짜야
Trust me. That’s no word of a lie.
Believe me. That’s no word of a lie.
솔직히 이거 진짜야.
Honestly, that’s no word of a lie.
Honestly, no word of a lie
그녀가 가장 명량한 사람이었어
She was the most cheerful person.
She was the most cheerful person.
이거 진짜야. 나 남은 하루 동안 독서실에 있었어
No word of a lie. I have been in the 독서실 for the rest of a day.
No word of a lie. I was at the reading room for the rest of the day.
나는 12분 이상 숨을 참을 수가 있는데, 이건 세계 기록입니다. 진짜예요
I can stop breathing for more than 12 mintues, which is a world record. No word of a lie.
I can hold my breath for over 12 minutes, which is 세계기록. No word of a lie.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 나는 공중 부양 능력을 가지고 있어.
I have levitation powers.
이거 진짜야. 근데 비밀을 누설하지마.
No word of a lie. Don’t spill the beans, though.
B: 완전 멋져. 그 얘기는 한마디도 입 밖에 내지 않을께
That’s mint. I won’t breathe a word of it.
A: 모두들 다음 단계는 준비됐나요?
Everybody, ready for the next step?
B: 저 다른 일 때문에 바빴어요.
I’ve been busy with other things.
No word of a lie.
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