Today is Wednesday, the 21st of July.
Happy hump day!
Well, it’s not just you . It is harder to think straight on hot days
People said the hotter you are, the harder you’ll find it to make descions.
Turn your fan or AC on, if you have one, or just drink a cold glass of water.
Then you know what to do right now.

He is green as grass.
직역: 그는 잔디만큼 푸르다
grass 풋내기;애송이
A: 경험이 부족한 직원 때문에 너무 답답해요
I feel frustrated out of the low experienced staff.
I feel so frustrated because of the inexperienced staff.
B: 그는 풋내기이야. 시간을 줘봐.
He is green as grass. Give him some time.
He is green as grass. Give him time.
너는 여기서 요령을 터득하는 데 6년 걸렸잖아.
It took you 6 years to get things here
It took you 6 years to learn the ropes here
*learn the ropes 요령을 터득하다
A: 개들에 관해서는 넌 풋내기야
You’re green as grass on dogs.
You’re green as grass when it comes to dogs
B: 그거 갑질이에요. 이거 SNS에 올릴 거예요.
That’s 갑질. I’m going to post it on social media.
That’s 갑질. I’m going to post this on social media.
*갑질 is an expression referring to an arrogant and authoritarian attitude or actions of people in South Korea who have high positions of power over others.
[Step by Step]
그는 정말 풋내기니깐,
He is really green as grass,
He is really green as grass,
정말 너그럽게 봐주세요
so please be generous.
so please be generous.
나는 풋내기였어
I was green as grass
I was green as grass
내가 처음 거기 갔을 때,
when I have been there at first.
when I first got there.
그녀에게 너무 많은 것을 기대하지마
Don’t expect too much from her.
Don’t expect too much from her.
그녀는 아직 풋내기야
She is still green as grass.
She is still green as grass.
그들은 풋내기인 사람을 고용했어
They hired a person as green as grass.
They hired someone who is green as grass.
난 그들이 왜 풋내기인 사람을 고용했는지 이해할 수가 없어
I can’t wrap my head around why they hired a person as green as grass.
I can’t __________________ why they hired someone who is green as grass.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 경험이 부족한 직원 때문에 당황스럽네
I feel so embarassed because of the inexperienced staff
B: 그는 풋내기이지만 인내해봐
He is green as grass. Be patient.
너는 여기서 요령을 터득하는 데 6년 걸렸잖아
It took you 6 years to learn the ropeps here.
A: 개훈련에 관해서는 너는 풋내기야
You’re green as grass when it comes to dog training
B: 이건 갑질이에요. 이건 내 채널에 올릴거예요
That is 갑질. I’m going to upload this to my channel.
** learn the ropes 요령을 터득하다 **
[2021.09.17.Fri] 영국영어 He is learning the ropes. 그는 기본을 배우는 중이야.
[2021.09.17.Fri] 영국영어 He is learning the ropes. 그는 기본을 배우는 중이야.
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출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국영어 He is green as grass. 그는 풋내기야.
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