Today is Monday, the 19th of July.
It’s that time again? Monday Morning!
To help you get through the day,
Here are some top tips make your Monday mean more.
Forget about your weekend and do what you want.
So listeners! Don’t go anywhere and study your favorite subject with me.

A: 바늘에 실 꿰는 게 왜 이렇게 어려운 거야?
Why is it too tricky to thread into the needle?
Why is it so hard to thread the needle?
B: 걱정하지마. 이건 식은 죽 먹기지
Don’t worry. This is a walk in the park
You needn’t worry. This is a walk in the park.
*thread the needle 바늘에 실 꿰다
균형을 맞추다;어려운 일을 해내다
A: 나 너무 기뻐. 시험이 식은 죽 먹기였어
I’m so glad the exam was a walk in the park.
I’m dead chuffed the test was a walk in the park.
B: 오만하게 굴지 말고, 겸손해지도록 해
Don’t be arrogant and try to get humble.
Don’t be arrogant. Be humble.
*dead; really
*chuffed : pleased, happy
*dead chauffed 매우 기쁜
21.08.11.수 영국영어 I’m chuffed to bits. 난 너무너무 기뻐.
Today is Wednesday, the 11th of August. Everybody! Practice listening and speaking by concentrating on what’s been said, taking notes in your own words. I’m sure you can do that. chuffed 너무 기..
[Step by Step]
나는 이건 분명 식은 죽 먹기라고 믿어
I believe this must be a walk in the park.
I believe this is definitely a walk in the park.
은행 일은 식은 죽 먹기 일거야
The work at the bank will be a walk in the park.
The job at the bank will be a walk in the park.
그녀는 일찍 일어나는 것에 익숙해
She gets used to getting up early.
She is used to getting up early.
그래서 이건 그녀에게 식은 죽 먹기야
So, this is a walk in the park to her.
So, this is a walk in the park to her.
그건 확실히 쉬운 게 아니었어
That was certainly not a walk in the park.
It certainly wasn’t a walk in the park.
나의 이전 경험들에 비하면
compared to my previous experiences.
compared to my 이전 경험들
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 바늘에 실 꿰는 게 왜 이렇게 복잡한 거야?
Why is it so complicated to thread the needle?
B: 정말 걱정할 필요없어. 이건 식은 죽 먹기지
You really needn’t worry. This is a walk in the park.
A: 나 매우 기뻐. 시험이 식은 죽 먹기였어
I feel very pleased the test was a walk in the park.
B: 제발 오만하게 굴지말고, 겸손해지도록 해
Please don’t be arrogant and be humble.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 This is a walk in the park. 이건 식은 죽 먹기야.
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