Today is Tuesday, the 27th of July.
American politician Jim Ryun says
Motivation is what sets you in motion.
Habit is what keeps you going.
So get motivated and make habit of that.
* 직역: 자전거를 타는 것과 같다.
* 의역: 한번 배워두면 안 잊어버린다
-> 금방 다시 할 수 있다.
A: 내 점수를 봤을 때, 난 곤란한 상황에 처했어
When I saw my score, I was in a difficult situation.
I was on a sticky wicket when I saw my score.
B: 안됐네. 금방 다시 할 수 있어. I feel sorry but it's like riding a bike.
So sad, but it's like riding a bike
* sticky wicket: 비가 그친 후 덜 마른 크리켓 경기장
* be on a sticky wicket 곤란한 상황에 처하다
A: 스키 타는 건 금방 다시할 수 있어요.
Skiing is like riding a bike.
Skiing is like riding a bike.
스키타러 갑시다.
Let's go for a ski.
Let's go skiing.
B: 여보, 보다시피 깁스cast를 하고 있지 않소
Darling, as you can see, I have my leg bandaged.
Darling, as you can see, my leg is in a cast.
[Step by Step]
정말 금방 다시 할 수 있는 것으로 보여
It looks it's really like riding a bike.
It seems it's like riding a bike, really.
솔직히 금방 다시 할 수 있어.
To be frank, it's like riding a bike.
Honestly, it's like riding a bike.
너는 어떻게 하는지 알잖아
You've know how to do it.
You know the drill.
20.07.01.수 You know the drill. 넌 어떻게 하는지 알잖아. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Wednesday the first of July. There are a lot of things you should do the first of the month. One of them is to get seriously motiv..
너는 내가 누군지 알잖아
You know who I am.
You know who I am.
나는 금방 다시 할 수 있어
It's like riding a bike to me.
It's like riding a bike for me.
알고보니, 금방다시 할 수 있는 일이야
It turns out that it's like riding a bike.
It turns out that it's like riding a bike
알고보니, 전반적으로 금방 다시 할 수 있는 일이었어
It turns out that it was like riding a bike over all
It turns out that it was like riding a bike ___ ____ ____ ___
[Speak Like A Brit]
A: 내 점수를 봤을 때, 난 곤란한 상황에 처했어
I was in a pickle when I saw my score.
B: 안됐네, 금방 다시 할 수 있어
Too bad, but it's like riding a bike.
20.03.20.금 I’m in a pickle. 난 곤경에 빠져 있어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
You are listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Friday the 20th of March. Saturday is just around the corner. Listen to posh accent with me and read out loud so that you can spea..
A: 낚시는 금방 다시할 수 있어요
Fishing is like riding a bike.
낚시하러 갑시다.
Let's go fishing.
B: 여보 보다시피 난 휠체어를 타고 있잖소
Darling, as you can see, I'm in a wheelchair.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 It's like riding a bike. 금방 다시 할 수 있어.