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2021 EBS 이지 라이팅

21.07.28.수 Easy Writing 세리나 타이츠 착용 후기 I used to hate international flight

by Namaskara 2022. 7. 28.

having to [동사원형] 해야만 하는 것
서울로 통근해야만 하는 건 정말 고통스러워
Having to commute to Seoul is really painful.
Having to commute to Seoul is really painful.
난 매일 운동해야만 하는 걸 즐겨
I kind of enjoy having to exercise every day.
I kind of enjoy having to work out every day.
내 아이들을 돌봐야 하는 것은 내가 매일하는 일 중에 하나야.
Having to take care of my kids is one of my daily routine.
Having to look after my children is one of my daily routines.

flight attendant 승무원
serve 모시다'대접하다
passenger 승객
pet peeve 짜증나는 것;극혐;짜증나는 것
relieve 완화하다
gone 사라진
international flight 국제선
domestic flight 국내선
miraculous 기적의;기적적인

for quite some time; for a while 꽤 오랫동안
마유는 세리나와 꽤 오랜기간 일해오고 있어
Mayu has worked with Serina for quite some time.
Mayu has been working with Serina for quite some time.
그들은 꽤 오랜기간 동안 친구인 상태야
They have been friends for quite some time.
They have been friends for quite some time.

get a massage 맛사지를 받다
나는 우리가 뉴욕에 도착하자마자 맛사지를 받을거야
I will get a massage as soon as we arrive in NY.
I'm going to get a massage as soon as we arrive in NY.
그녀는 태국에서 맛사지를 받았어
She got a massage in Thailand.
She got a massage in Thailand.

pretty much [형용사] 거의 대략 [형용사]한
(*almost 와 비슷)
나는 거의 마친 상태야
I'm pretty much done.
I'm pretty much done.
그것들은 거의 같아 (같은 거나 마찬가지다)
They are pretty much the same.
They are pretty much the same.

[Five Golden Mission]
저 이제 꽤 오랜 기간 승무원으로 일해오고 있습니다.
I have been working as a flight attendant for quite some time now.
I've been working as a flight attendant for quite some time now.

서서 승객분들을 응대해야 하는 건 항상 짜증스러운 일이었습니다.
Having to serve passengers on my feet has always been my pet peeve.
Having to serve passengers standing up has always been my biggest pet peeve.
* I have a small pet peeve. 조금 거슬리는 거
* I have a huge pet peeve. 정말 죽어도 싫은 거

비행을 마칠 때마다, 붓기를 완화시키기 위해 가서 맛사지를 받아야만 합니다.
I should get a massage to relieve swelling after each flight.
I have to go and get a massage to relieve swelling after each flight.

세리나 타이츠를 신기 시작한 후로, 그런 문제들은 거의 사라졌다고 봐야합니다.
Since I put on Serina tights, those problems are pretty much gone.
Ever since I started to wear Serina tights, those problems are pretty much gone, if not completely.

이 기적의 제품을 찾아내기 전에는 국제선 비행을 싫어하곤 했던 걸 기억합니다.
I remember that I used to hate international flights before I found this miraculous item.
I remember I used to hate international flights before I found this miraculous item.

