get around to [명사]를 할 짬을 내다
* get to (어디)에 가다;도달하다
* get around to (어디)애 돌아서 가다
* get around to it
나는 항상 내 조카와 놀아주고 싶었지만 절대 그걸 할 짬을 못 냈지.
I always wanted to play with my niece, but I never got around to it.
I always wanted to play with my niece, but I never got around to it.
나는 마침내 내 자동차를 세차할 짬을 냈어
I finally got around to washing my car.
I finally got around to washing my car.
니가 나를 도와줄 짬을 낼 수 있다면, 나에게 알려줘
If you can get around to helping me, let me know.
If you can get around to helping me, please let me know.
actually 실제로, summer 여름
end 끝내다. gone 사라진;없는
look up (데이타/정보)찾아보다;조회하다
pet-friendly 반려동물 친화적인
welcome 환영하다;반기다
these days 요즘
How have you been these days?
go on a vacation 휴가를 떠나다
우리 부모님은 괌으로 휴가를 떠났어
My parents went on a vacation to Guam.
My parents went on a vacation to Guam.
언제 우리는 휴가를 떠날거죠?
When are we going on a vacation?
When are we going on a vacation?
before [평서문] 하기 전에
너 나가기 전에 숙제 마쳐
Complete your homework before you go out.
Finish your homework before you going out.
니가 그걸 열기 전에 문을 두드려
Knock the door before you open it.
knock on the door before you open it.
The only thing is that [평서문]하다는 게 유일한 문제이다
유일한 문제는 내가 완전히 빈털털이라는 거야
The only thing is that I’m completely penniless.
The only thing is that I’m completely broke.
* broke 돈이 다 떨어진;빈털털이인
유일한 문제는 교통체증이 심할 거라는 거야
The only thing is that there will be a severe traffic jam.
The only thing is that there will be a lot of traffic.
[Five Golden Sentences]
항상 휴가를 떠나고 싶었지만,
I always wanted to go on a vacation,
I always wanted to go on a vacation,
실제로는 절대 짬을 내지 못했어
but actually I never got around to it
but never actually got around to it.
그래서 여름이 끝나기 전에 시간을 내볼까봐
So I think that I’ll do it before the summer ends.
So I think I’m going to do that before the summer ends.
내가 없을 때, 우리 개를 어떻게 해야 할지 모른다는 게 유일한 문제야
The only thing is that I don’t know what to do with my dog when I’m gone
The only thing is that I don’t know what to do with my dog when I’m gone
그럼 반려동물 친화적인 호텔을 찾아보는 게 어때?
Why don’t you look up pet-friendly hotels then?
Why don’t you look up pet-friendly hotels then?
요즘 점점 더 많은 호텔들이 반려동물을 환영하고 있어
More and more hotels are welcoming companion animals these days.
More and more hotels are welcoming pets these days.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 캐주얼 채팅: 반려동물 동반 여행 I’m finally going on a vacation.