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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.09.06.월 His mum really chewed him out for that. 걔네 엄마가 그거 때문에 걔를 호되게 야단치셨어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 9. 6.

Today is Monday the 6th of September.
I think English is a fun language to learn.
Then how can we learn English quickly?
If it's in English, read it, read it out loudly.
Why? Because while reading, you can learn new words and expressions, and gain confidence at the same time.

직역: 그의 엄마는 그것 때문에 그를 씹었어
chew: 씹다
chew out: 제2차 세계대전 당시 군대에서 유래: 상급자가 부하직원을 야단치며 질책하는 모습이 부하를 육체적으로 씹는 듯한 느낌을 주었기 때문에 '야단치다', '꾸짖다'의 의미

A: 걔가 정답을 찾아보려고 똑같은 문제집workbook을 두권 샀다는 거 알고 있었어?
Did you know he bought 2 of the same textbook to try to find the anwser?
Did you know he bought two same workbooks to look up the answers?
B: 걔네 엄마가 그것 때문에 걔를 호되게 야단치셨어
His mum really chewed him out for that.
His mum really chewed him out for that.
걔는 공부할 수 밖에 없었어
He has no choice but to study.
He has no choice but to study.

A: 우리 부장님 manager이 내가 늦는다고 질책하셨어
Our boss chewed me out for being late.
My manager chewed me out for being late.
B: 딱 그 분답다.
That's exactly what he is.
It's typical of him.
그 분은 너가 7분 23초 늦었다고 모두에게 말씀하셨어
He told everybody that you were late for 7 minutes and 23 seconds.
He told everyone you were 7 minutes and 23 seconds late.

[Step by Step]
그녀는 그 실수에 대해 부드럽게 그를 꾸짖었어
She gently chewed him out for the mistake.
She gently chewed him out for that mistake.

상사는 그의 팀이 근무 중에 while at work 무책임한 행동을 한다고 질책했어
The boss chewed his team out for behaving irresponsibly on duty.
The boss chewed out his team for being irresponsibly while at work.

그가 돌아오면 나는 그를 혼내줘야겠어
I'm going to chew him out when he comes back
I'm going to have to chew him out when he gets back.

몇일 전에 the other day 아내가 나를 야단쳤어
A few days ago, my wife chewed me out.
My wife chewed me out the other day.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 걔가 정답을 찾아보려고 똑같은 교과서 classbook 2개를 샀다는 거 알고 있었어?
Did you know that he bought two same classbooks to look up the answers?
B: 걔네 엄마가 그것 때문에 호되게 야단치셨어.
His mum really chewed him out for that
걔는 포기할 수 밖에 없었어
He had no choice but to give up.

A: 우리 부장님은 내가 게으르다고 질책하셨어
My manager chewed me out for being lazy.
B: 딱 그분다워
It's typical of him.
그 분은 너가 오랫동안 활동하지 않았다고 모두에게 말씀하셨어
He told everyone that you're inactive for a long time.


20.05.14.목 It's typical of you. 딱 너답다. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Thursday the 14th of May. Let me give you a simple advice to set you on the road to be fluent in English. Practice every day, make yourself..


출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 His mum really chewed him out for that. 걔네 엄마가 그거 때문에 걔를 호되게 야단치셨어.

