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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.09.01.수 I'll have you know....뭘 잘 모르나 본데.... 권주현의 진짜 영국영어

by Namaskara 2022. 9. 1.

Today is Wednesday the 1st of September.
Today is the first day of a new month.
What do you want to complish this month?
The first step you should take is to look forward and dream, and then design a meaningful life.
I'm here for you to help you design your meaningful life.

EBS 라디오 오학당 권주현의 진짜 영국영어 다시듣기

직역: 나는 너가 알도록 할게

의역: 뭘 잘 모르나 본데; 내가 알려줘야겠네
상황: 상대방에게 어떤 사실을 확실히 알려주고 싶거나, 상대방 때문에 다소 짜증났을 때

A: 자네는 촌사람 bumpkin이잖아. 온라인 쇼핑해본 적 있어?
You're a country native. Have you ever gone shopping online?
You're a bumpkin. Have you ever shopped online?
B: 뭘 잘 모르나본데, 두번이나 해봤다고,
I'll have you know that I've ever tried it twice.
I'll have you know that I've done that twice.

* bumpkin; '작은 나무'라는 네덜란드어에서 유래;부정적인 뉘앙스, 주로 시골출신을 부르는 비격식적인 호칭;세련되지 않거나 촌스러운 사람을 지칭: a country bumpkin

A: 난 얘가 걱정되서 여기 있었어
I'm worried about my kid. That's why I have been here.
I've been here because I'm worried about him.
B: 뭘 잘 모르나 본데, 걔는 아주 영리한 얘야
I'll have you know he is very clever.
I'll have you know he is a very bright child.

[Step by Step]
뭘 잘 모르나 본데, 넌 그 여자를 모욕하고 있어
I'll have you know you're insulting her whom I love.
I'll have you know you're insulting the woman I love.

뭘 잘 모르나 본데, 그는 매우 좋고 관대한 사람이야
I'll have you know he is a very nice and generous person.
I'll have you know he is a very nice and generous person.

뭘 잘 모르나 본데,
I'll have you know
I'll have you know
내가 아주 젊어보일지도 모르지만 may 난 너의 아버지뻘 old enough to be 되는 나이야
that I'm at the age of your father even though I look very young
that I may look very young but I'm old enough to be your father

뭘 잘 모르나 본데, 난 3개 국어를 해
I'll have you know that I'm trilingual.
I'll have you know I speak three languages.

[Speak like a Brit]
A: 자네는 그냥 촌 사람이잖아. 온라인 쇼핑 해본 적 있어?
You're just a bumpkin. Have you ever shopped online?
B: 뭘 잘 모르나 본데, 여러번 해봤다고
I'll have you know I've done that several times.

A: 난 그가 정말 걱정되서 여기 있었어
I've been here because I'm really worried about him.
B: 뭘 잘 모르나 본데, 그는 아주 건강한 사람이야
I'll have you know he is a very healthy person.


EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 2021년 9월 1일(수) I'll have you know.... 뭘 잘 모르나 본데.....

