so much so that [평서문] 그 정도가 심해서 [평서문]하다
그 영화는 엄청 감동적이이야, 그 정도가 심해서 그것에 대한 꿈까지 꿨다니깐
The movie was so touching. So much so that I dreamed about it.
The movie was so touching. So much so that I had a dream about it.
우린 그 파티를 엄청 즐겼어. 엄청 심해서 나는 그 다음 날에 아팠어
We enjoyed the party a lot. So much so that I got sick next day.
We had partied so hard. So much so that I got sick the next day.
세리나는 피자를 엄청 사랑해. 엄청 심해서 그녀는 피자가게 pizzeria 를 열고 싶어해
Serina loves pizza. So much so that she wants to open a pizza restaurant.
Serina loves pizza. So much so that she wants to open a pizzeria.
# party [동사] 파티를 열다;파티에 가다;흥청망청 즐기다 #
moment 순간
violent 폭력적인
threatening 위협적인
harm 해를 끼치다; 해
overprotected 과잉보호를 받는
realize 깨닫다
permanently 영원히;영구적으로
bound 묶임
be linked to [명사]에 연결되어 았다 (물리적인 연결, 관련있는)
그 공유기는 두 대의 컴퓨터에 연결되어 있어 (물리적)
The router is linked to two computers.
The router is linked to two computers.
그 범죄는 마약조직 a drug ring에 연결되어 있습니다.(관련된)
The crime is linked to a drug gangster
The crime is linked to a drug ring.
break away from [명사]에게서 달아나다; 도망가다
* 뭔가에 잡혀 있었는데, 뿌리치고 나가는 느낌
* run away 보다 강한 느낌
제인은 그 낯선 사람으로부터 달아나려고 노력했어
Jane tried to break away from the stranger.
Jane tried to break away from the stranger.
그가 그 감방 cell 으로부터 더 달아나려고 노력할수록, 그의 수갑은 더 조여왔어
The more he tried to break away from the jail, the tighter his cuffs got.
The more he tried to break away from the cell, the tighter his cuffs became.
세린쌤: Oh my gosh. This sounds really scary. I have a close phobia a little bit.
마유쌤: I think I do, too, actually.
[평서문] only to 동사원형 = [평서문]했지만 결국 ~ 했다 (허무함의 느낌)
나는 뉴욕으로 날아갔지만, 결국 그가 거기에 없다는 것만 알아내게 됐어
I flew to New York only to find out that he was out of there.
I flew to New York only to find out that he was not there.
그녀는 많은 돈을 투자했지만, 결국 그게 사기 scam 라는 것만 알아내게 됐어
She invested a lot of money only to find out that it was just cheating.
She invested a lot of money only to discover that it was a scam.
[Five Golden Sentences]
저는 한 개체와 연결되어 있어요
I’m linked to an entity.
I’m linked to an entity.
그는 항상 저와 함께 있지요.심지어 바로 이 순간 마저도 at this very moment.
He is always with me even this moment
He is always with me even at this very moment.
이 개체라는 거, 그게 폭력적이거나 위협적인가요?
This entity, is it violent or threatening?
This entity, is it violent or threatening?
그가 당신에게 해를 끼치나요?
Does he harm to you?
Does it, Does he harm you?
아니요 저를 보호해줘요
No. He protects me.
No. He protects me.
그 정도가 심해서 저는 가끔 과잉보호라고 느낄 때도 있죠.
So much so that I sometimes feel overprotected.
So much so that I feel overprotected sometimes.
그것에게서 달아나려고 한 적은 있나요?
Have you ever tried to break away from it?
Have you tried to break away from it?
해봤지만, 결국 우리가 영원히 함께 묶여 있다는 것만 깨닫게 됐죠
I’ve tried, only to realize that we are permanently bound together.
I have, only to realize that we are permanently bound together.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 게임스토리 Beyond Two Souls (대사) I’m linked to the entity
2021 EBS 이지 라이팅
21.09.10.금 Easy Writing 게임스토리 Beyond Two Souls (대사) I’m linked to the entity