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21.09.09.목 Easy Writing 게임스토리 Beyond Two Souls (2) She knows Aiden always her back

by Namaskara 2022. 9. 9.

S: Are we gonna take a look at part 2 of the summary of the “Beyond Two Souls?”
M: Of course, we are.
S: I'm amazed that there is even like games with like such a deep storyline.
M: I know. 이거 보셔야 돼요. 진짜루
S: But you know I have very addictive personalities. I try to stay away from games.


after months of [명사] = 수개월의 [명사]후에
수개월의 노고 후에 그건 마침내 성과 pay off 가 있었다.
After months of hard work, it finally rewarded.
After months of hard work, it finally paid off.
수개월의 협상 후에 그들은 합의점에 도달한 상태다
After months of negotiations, they have reached an agreement.
After months of negotiations, they have come an agreement.
수시간의 수술후에, 그 의사들은 그의 목숨을 구할 수 있었다
After hours of the surgery, the doctors were able to save his life.
After hours of surgery, the doctors were able to save his life.
세린쌤: I know what my children would say. They would use this sentence "After minutes of homework, I felt exhausted"



fatal 치명적인
incident 사건, accident 사고
somewhat 어느 정도는
recruit 모집하다
extreme 극단의;극단적인
multiple 다양한;다수의
tough 어려운
have(got) someone's back 누군가의 뒤에 있어주다



under the custody of 의 보호권 아래에 있는
그 신생아는 그녀의 아버지의 보호권 아래 있다.
The new-born baby is under the custody of her father.
The new-born baby is under the custody of her father.
그 아이들은 그들의 할머니의 보호권 아래에 놓여질 것입니다.
The children are going to be under the custody of their grandmother.
The children will be put under the custody of their grandmother.

keep [목적어] under control = [목적어]를 통제하에 두다
FBI는 그 폭동을 통제하에 뒀다.
FBI kept the riots under control.
The FBI kept the riots under control.
우린 모든 걸 통제하에 둘 필요가 있습니다.
We need to keep everything under control
We need to keep everything under control.

send [명사] out on a mission = [명사]를 임무에 파견하다.
그들은 세리나를 불가능한 임무에 내보낼거야
They are going to send Serina out on an impossible mission.
They are going to send Serina out on an impossible mission
Serina’s ad-lib: So, you don’t want me to come back alive?
**mission은 장소가 아니기 때문에 전치사 “to”가 아니라 “on
우리는 그 임무에 마유를 보냈고, 그건 끔찍한 실수 였어.
We sent 마유 out on the mission, which was a terrible mistake.
We sent 마유 out on the mission, and it was a terrible mistake.

[Five Golden Sentences]
치명적인 사건 때문에 그녀는 US Department of Paranormal activity에 보호권에 있게 된다.
A fatal incident puts her under the custody of the US Department of Paranormal activity
A fatal incident leaves her under the custody of the US Department of Paranormal activity.

거기에서 그녀는 Aiden을 어느 정도 통제하에 두는 것을 배운다
There she learns to keep Aiden somewhat under control.
There she learns to keep Aiden somewhat under control.
*100% 통제하는 것이 아니라 어느 정도(somewhat) 통제하는 것

CIA는 Jodie가 Aiden과 공유하는 힘에 대해 알아내고, 그녀를 뽑는다.
When CIA finds about the power that Jodie shares with Aiden, they recruit her.
When the CIA finds out about the power that Jodie shares with Adien, they recruit her.

수개월간의 극심한 훈련후에 그녀는 다양한 임무에 파견된다
After months of extreme training, she is sent out on multiple missions.
After months of extreme training, she is sent out on multiple missions.

그녀의 임무가 얼마나 어렵든지 간에, 그녀는 Aiden이 항상 자신의 뒤에 있어 준다는 걸 안다.
No matter how tough her mission is, she knows Aiden always has her back.
No matter how tough her mission is, she knows Aiden always has her back.

그들은 그 군인들을 어려운 임무에 파견했다.
They sent the soldiers out on a tough mission.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 게임스토리 Beyond Two Souls (2) She knows Aiden always her back

