in the beginning 초반에는
초반에는 모든 게 매끄럽게 진행됐어
In the beginning, everything went smoothly.
In the beginning, everything went smoothly.
그들의 관계는 완벽해 보였어 초반에는 말이야.
Their relationship looked perfect in the beginning.
Their relationship seemed perfect in the beginning.
마유는 초반에는 친구들을 만드는 데 애 먹었어.
Mayu had trouble making friends in the beginning.
Mayu had a hard time making friends in the beginning.
세린쌤: But after that, he became a superstar!
start small 작게 시작하다
세린쌤: This is a very common thing to say when you're talking about business, right? or investing.
마유쌤: 왜냐하면 you don't wanna risk things too much.
세린쌤: Yeah, I wanna start small.
마유쌤: 근데, Would you say 'start big' if you were saying '크게 시작하다'? Not really, right?
No one actually
세린쌤: I don't think I've really heard of that 'I wanna start big'. Actually, but it makes sense.
마유쌤: You could say that.
start big 크게 시작하다 -> 이상하지는 않지만 어색
saved up 모아놓은 (형용사)
thinking (개념적인) 생각 방식 thought 생각
venture 벤처, 벤처사업
product 제품
online 온라인에서/온라인으로
in fact 사실
model 모델
go overboard 오버하다;도를 지나치다
넌 오버하지 말았어야 했어
You shouldn't have gone overboard.
You shouldn't have gone overboard.
술에 대해서 오버하지 마세요
Don't go overboard about alcohol.
Please don't go overboard with drinks.
besides, 그것도 그렇고
그것도 그렇고 너 어차피 anyway 당근 안 좋아하잖아
Besides, you don't like carrots anyway.
Beisdes, you don't like carrots anyway.
세린쌤: I'm just gonna eat the entire carrot cake.
그것도 그렇고, 세리나가 요즘 바빠
Besides, Serina is busy these days.
Besides, Serina is busy these days.
help with [명사]에 대한 도움 (명사는 도움이 필요한 내용)
난 있잖아, 내 비디오에 대해 약간의 도움이 필요해
I need a little bit of help with my video.
I need some help with my video.
마유는 쇼핑에 대해서 도움이 필요해
Mayu needs help with shopping.
Mayu needs help with shopping.
마유쌤: I desperately need your help.
세린쌤: It's okay. We can not be good at everything.
[Five Golden Sentences]
세리나: 글쎄, 초반에 오버하고 싶지 않아.
Well, I don't want to go overboard in the beginning
Well, I don't want to go overboard in the beginning
난 작게 시작할거야
I'm going to start small.
I'm going to start small.
세리나: 그것도 그렇고, 모아논 돈이 좀 있어
Besides, I have some money saved up.
Besides, I have some money saved up.
(앞의 뭔가 내용을 언급한 후, besides로 내용을 추가)
마유: 니 생각이 마음에 드네,
I like your way of thinking.
I like your thinking.
새로운 벤처사업에 도움이 필요하면 알려줘.
Let me know if you need help with your new venture.
Let me know if you need help with your new venture.
마유: 내가 온라인으로 물건 파는 것에 대해 팁을 좀 줄 수 있어.
I can give some tips on selling products online.
I can give some tips on selling products online.
(팁을 원할 때: Can you give me some tips?)
세리나: 어 사실, 우리 모델이 되어 줄 수 있는지 물어보려는 참이었어
In fact, I was about to ask you if you could become our model.
In fact, I was about to ask you If you could be our model.
마유쌤: Let me think about it.
초반에는 회사를 키우는 데 애먹었어
In the beginning, I had a tough time growing my company.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 캐주얼 채팅: 사업 준비 중인 친구 (2) Serina's new business plan (2)